Grandma's birthday back home dhurmusa

Grandma's birthday back home dhurmusa

Artist and social engineer Sitaram Kattel 'dhurmusa' s birthday today. In March 2040, VDC Ward No. 7 in Solukhumbu district necabetaghari dhurmusale born on 14 November 2065, the artist pergolas Ghimire 'Suntali "was married with. They are the first children as janmadieka daughter.

Comedy Sarrkkar 'My bassai' made from hot dhurmusa and Suntali on April 12 earthquake have been successful in mind janajanako fallen settlement construction. Now they are busy SINDHUPALCHOWK girancaura settlement construction. Dasainsammama settlement construction project has been their plan. If transfer of settlement dhurmusale Dashain said. Settlement construction industry dhurmusa birthday is doing what? "Today is a day of vacation, I fully came into the house," he said, "The woman has come to Grandma's house. So to see him come home. One day, the house was done throughout the year at any time do not bear. "

Girancaura visit old Rekha Thapa and dhurmusa settlement. The film is directed by himself short hair friendly 'Jyoti' special show put dhurmusale their investment in collaboration movie 'six claw' to see the plan are made. Acting and won the audience with social service dhurmusako next plan is? He adds, "nirantarata acting, inasmuch as society and will continue to serve the nation is thinking." Happy birthday, millions!

The Wild Ripperz Crew

The Wild Ripperz Crew

If you have followed Dance Plus Season 1, you would be obviously waiting with bated breath for Dance Plus season 2. So, here’s some good news for you, folks. Your wait is finally over. The show is going to premiere today on Star Plus at 8 pm. Yay! So, we thought you should know everything there is to know about the show. Here are the five things you MUST know before you tune in tomorrow to watch your favourite dance reality show.Yes, choreographer Remo D’souza returns as the judge on the show will also be hosting some of the episodes this time. Raghav Juyal, who had hosted season 1, will be returning as the main host. “There’s a huge surprise for viewers this time for Season 2. I have planned a lot of things and hosting is one of those,” said the national-award winning choreographer in a statement.Punit Pathak, who has also starred in a movie (ABCD: Anybody Can Dance) will be seen as a mentor in season 2 of the show. He had even tweeted about the show a while back, when the auditions were in full swing. The title track of Dance Plus season 1 and season 2 has been sung by Benny Dayal Do you like the title track of Dance Plus 2? We do too. The Badtameez Dil singer, Benny Dayal, is the voice behthind the peppy and vibrant soundtrack of both the seasons of Dance Plus. - See more at:

Bomb scare at half a dozen schools in Valley

Bomb scare at half a dozen schools in Valley

Threat of bombs in various schools around the Valley has terrorized the people.The bomb terrors have spread across Radiant School of Lalitpur, Kanchanjunga School of Dallu in Kathmandu, Ray School of Bouddha, Akashdeep School, Eastpole School and Manokamana School of Kathmandu.Locals have claimed that sound of some blasts have been heard from the Manokamana school at 3:45am in the morning. A small pamphlet of Young Communist Force Nepal (YCFN) has been found inside the school. “A suspicious object has been found in other three schools as well,” AIG Pratap Singh Thapa said to Republica Online. He also added that the police have been conducting tests on those objects.”We have found various suspicious objects. We have been carrying out tests on them. We have also found a small pamphlet of YCFN. The action was taken against the group earlier for torching various vehicles.”The police have arrested two people of YCFN. Even though SSP Bikram Singh Thapa confirmed the arrest of two people, but he refused to name them. 

Bomb two schools in the capital, a bomb was found five school

Bomb two schools in the capital, a bomb was found five school

Two schools in the capital on Tuesday morning bomb is. Five school bomb has been found. No casualty or damage has not been detonated.

Jorpati Manakamana beacon school and school secretary BK Ganesh said PABSON bomb.

Meanwhile, Sanepa radians Readers Academy, investigation revealed Kanchanjanga School, Hom Rai School and istapola school, secondary school balasansara Jorpati, makalabarima the suspicious object has been found. Radian school secretary BK dhunganako of PABSON.

Police have arrested two people on suspicion of a Saturday Kathmandu Metropolitan Police Range vikramasinha SSP Thapa.

All Nepal National Free Student Center explosion place and the Young Communist force is sown in Nepal written on paper.

Chairman of the Revolutionary leadership Netra Bikram Chand Bahadur Singh, alleging that his group claimed to have detonated.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock PABSON, N PABSON and HISSAN emergency meeting has been called for.

Bombs explode at two schools in Kathmandu

Bombs explode at two schools in Kathmandu

Bombs have gone off at two Boudha-based schools on Tuesday in kathmandu, Nepal. Also the bomb terrors have spread across Radiant School of Lalitpur, Kanchanjunga School of Dallu in Kathmandu, Ray School of Bouddha, Akashdeep School, Eastpole School and Manokamana School of Kathmandu. Locals have claimed that sound of some blasts have been heard from the Manokamana school at 3:45am in the morning. A small pamphlet of Young Communist Force Nepal (YCFN) has been found inside the school. "A suspicious object has been found in other three schools as well," AIG Pratap Singh Thapa said to Republica Online. He also added that the police have been conducting tests on those objects.

India's failure to agree to the proposal Buddha International Airport airport aviation problems

India's failure to agree to the proposal Buddha International Airport airport aviation problems

Prime Minister Prachanda's visit to India made an agenda airport aviation agreement could be two main issues raised in Nepal and India on many nepalale agreement means Sky Air Space egiramenta and three bordering Nepal Airlines are allowed entry into the agreement regarding the proposal, this time not.

Each of the last prime minister to visit India rakhidai these issues have come to the agenda. Prime Minister Prachanda also had the proposal. But the bilateral talks, both parties agreed to lack of Delhi anyata karobaradainikama news again today increased.

Justification trilateral economic corridor

Justification trilateral economic corridor

October 4, 2073- India, Nepal and China trilateral economic partnership Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, as I was afraid to travel to India long before the public the significance of the proposal in the parliament was registered. My purpose in this regard before the Nepalese prime minister met with Indian counterparts to discuss Nepal's Parliament be. Consider a different party and Prime Minister reaffirmed darkened Indian counterparts that the talks it was an agenda to flourish. Parliament proposed by the Committee in Parliament to discuss this important topic planned for the run is recommended. But the reluctance of the government to slow down or, it could come about the ongoing discussion. I understand the gravity of this issue in various media garemm it public, the prime minister focused on it. This time, two of the prime minister in Delhi to discuss the agenda of the meeting, it could not be. But this topic is important and necessary today as a distinct phenomenon that is.

Nearly two years ago, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had gone to China. In those days, China and India issued a joint statement bamudama India, Nepal and China trilateral economic corridor was mentioned to make. The two neighboring countries regarding the interest in our proposal, adding that his role is not Nepal is also some common query. China will have a different meeting place, it is up seminars. But no discussion of Nepal and India did not. Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli previous government in Beijing to visit China when he 'India, Nepal and China, Nepal has supported the economic corridor' that the public announcement. Van Van Belt Road did support the concept. China's proposal is the concept of trilateral corridor. It is supported by the public as Nepal. India is now the only remaining approach is to come. India has not spoken about this matter. So two of the Prime Minister in Delhi meeting to Nepal and India this approach is the extra effort to realize that I was the above-mentioned manner.