After King Mahendra mucrcha ...

After King Mahendra mucrcha ...

King Mahendra was a fugitive, very fussy. They said the victim had gone to play overseas tour bhaihalthe saraki. When the United States went aupacaraki alaskasamma came to visit me remember the victims played. Kathmandu at home and occasionally go hunting were rescued.

BS 2022 is something. At the time I was Minister for Foreign Affairs. King Mahendra said, "Walk the victim to go play." We sulkaphamtama troops hunting big news of the Mahakali River. Pipadekhi with King Mahendra Police Chief, senior officials of government service, doctor, nurse, etc. It was a huge crowd. When people go to the forest to play the victim of a tiger are being pursued and the victim had to realize that the manner. However, such was not the kings Howto play the victim. Special provisions for the king was that. Shuklaphanta a large area as the ride was to maintain the camp. White cloth round in a goat-goat was left area. When the goat-goat to eat the tiger stepped in, he was leaving not been arranged. Such preparation garasikepachi the king was invited for hunting.

Shuklaphanta among the branches of the trees was made special kind of scaffolding. It was decorated in a way mancakai appearance. There is only one pastry was laid, where the King Mahendra sat down to wait tiger was tearful. They focused on varapira ihamiharu sitting. Sher Bahadur Malla, there was also the king's ADC.

At that suddenly collapsed, King Mahendra. Were all puzzled. I have a pillow upon his arm. Perspiration from the state-King Mahendra said, "Look Kirtinidhi! I live for my country anyway. I died, my country should live." Before trying to say something, but immediately became unconscious, beyond mucrcha.

There is a commotion. In case you think my condition was mucrcha king? I can not imagine the situation. I was completely in the water the water. I try to speak, the same sentence was phutiraheko. The Let's, why not let us went to state very experienced Bengali doctor immediately heparani haldarale injection king called upon the arm. And, the king felt some comfort ourselves. However, the king said to Reopen sense, and lay unconscious.

Now the king of tree branches built the scaffolding was down oralnu. The king did not disdain less unmount down unconscious. Heparani injection should effect, the king began to appear a ray of hope in the face. Immediately we specialize in treating Dr. Pandey bolayaum mrgendraraja. Other doctors came. Then we looked counsel, US President Eisenhower to call a special doctor, Dr. metingalai. Because, time and again he was saved attacks were the havre. He arrived in a period of a few days.

A few days later, King Mahendra we Tikapur Kailali lyayaum Eastern Region. There is a wooden hut that Karnali river had built for their needs. Which is still there. There consumption in the king's health was a month. When the rest was, tikapuravasiko was tremendous range. Then there almost every day began to kavigosthi and cultural programs. One day during a recorded song the same kavigosthika sentenced, the song by Queen Ratna composed and sang the nineties. The atmosphere of the song that made me remember a lot of fun. Many of those present were brought into the poem he had composed. Mrgendraraja Dr. Pandey, Dr saccekumara hill, Laxman Poudel, etc. were brought into the poem. Attack victims cope with painful situations when King Mahendra, as I was also penned a poem. When I am declaring the poem there, eyes aglow with the queen came Astrology. Unable to hear the queen gems and complete the poem out from there.

King Mahendra his head gently in my arms, "I died, my country, endless', which exclaimed that they were, I later Kathmandu, a program organized by the public, I camped. Perhaps the patriotic feeling of the King Mahendra was motivated by Laxman Lohani wrote the song, "I died, I love my country, it is the rightful heartfelt love for Nepal." Candraraja Narayan Sharma music filled the song when I hear her voice, I remember the same event comes to freshen up. Pregnancy safely.