Various countries where road accident

Various countries where road accident

Various countries where road accident 4 people were killed and some injured is.

-5 Sindhupalchowk the road Ba 5 Cha 7725 when the number Balero jeep met with an accident on Friday in vehicle-old Temba Sherpa Karthali 1 and 44 died on the spot. 14-year-old living in the same place and the 33-year-old Kami Sherpa sirina Lama Crichton Hospital for treatment of injuries Barhabise has been sent. Police impounded the car and driver.

Likewise, Jhapa sibasatasi Municipality-5 dudamari Bypass Ba 3 Kha 7534 East-West Highway bus was seriously injured Friday when their lorry lorry driver living in the same place 55-year-old Gopal Darji biemasi Hospital, has died while undergoing treatment. Police have impounded the bus and the driver.

Similarly, Nuwakot Taruka -2 indracokasthita Na 3 Kha 3207 bus journey from the streets came the same place, 60-year-old in order to cross the same way Batuli Mizar orliyara bus was seriously injured when the bus hit the district hospital on Friday has died while undergoing treatment at Trishuli. Police impounded the car and driver.

Similarly, the road in Ilam Soyak-9 .1 number is 5443 tractor accident on Friday when a tractor ride municipality of Kaski district, 30-year-old santosa Thapa died on the spot. The driver, 28-year-old Padma Tiwari Jhapa sivaganja being injured has been sent for treatment birtamodatarpha.

Similarly, the road-7 not bara gadhimai 1 H 571 Tempo on Saturday met with an accident on board 6 people were injured when the tempo. They are undergoing treatment at Narayani Sub-regional Hospital, Birgunj for treatment. Police have said the driver fled tempo is being searched. The local police is required in connection with the accident investigation.