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 Advertisement Minister cleans up toilet in a display of humble nobility

Minister for Youth and Sports, Daljit Shripaili, led a team of cleaners and swooped down on the Dasharath stadium this morning. The clean-up of the country’s only international sports venue was organized by CPN (Maoist Centre) sister wing All Nepal National Independent Students’ Union Revolutionary. The only international sports venue had taken on an old and ramshackle appearance due to dense foliage growing on the stadium’s parapet. “We have cleaned up in order to disseminate a symbolic message for post-quake reconstruction,” Minister Shripaili confided. At the programme, the Minister used the bush cutter himself to clean the stadium and it is learnt that in great display of humbleness and nobility he even cleaned up the rest rooms. The cleanup has completely changed the stadium’s appearance. All Nepal Sports Federation also took part in the cleanup programme.