Grandma's birthday back home dhurmusa

Grandma's birthday back home dhurmusa

Artist and social engineer Sitaram Kattel 'dhurmusa' s birthday today. In March 2040, VDC Ward No. 7 in Solukhumbu district necabetaghari dhurmusale born on 14 November 2065, the artist pergolas Ghimire 'Suntali "was married with. They are the first children as janmadieka daughter.

Comedy Sarrkkar 'My bassai' made from hot dhurmusa and Suntali on April 12 earthquake have been successful in mind janajanako fallen settlement construction. Now they are busy SINDHUPALCHOWK girancaura settlement construction. Dasainsammama settlement construction project has been their plan. If transfer of settlement dhurmusale Dashain said. Settlement construction industry dhurmusa birthday is doing what? "Today is a day of vacation, I fully came into the house," he said, "The woman has come to Grandma's house. So to see him come home. One day, the house was done throughout the year at any time do not bear. "

Girancaura visit old Rekha Thapa and dhurmusa settlement. The film is directed by himself short hair friendly 'Jyoti' special show put dhurmusale their investment in collaboration movie 'six claw' to see the plan are made. Acting and won the audience with social service dhurmusako next plan is? He adds, "nirantarata acting, inasmuch as society and will continue to serve the nation is thinking." Happy birthday, millions!