Teacher Education Department

Teacher Education Department

The government has started the process to manage temporary teachers.

Teacher Education Department to manage temporary service khulaine teacher who wants to take part in the next internal competition or teacher who refused to participate in the contest 'facilities to Holiday' to choose one form to fill out the details urged has urged.

Baburam Paudel Department of Education Education (Eighth Amendment), according to the two alternatives in order to manage temporary teachers to fill in a form called by Roger said. Lien was working as a teacher to manage the Department of temporary and one to cover two alternatives October 10 deadline for temporary teachers to collect details form 'to fill has urged.

Five Regional Education Directorate has instructed the teacher to collect the filled form is given. Feature teacher who took retirement to compete in the next ad for form filling feature, until publication of the examination results is made available.

The teacher can temporarily fill the District Education Office has been arranged. Full form until October 15 and October 30, the deadline to the Department of the Directorate instructed to send all directorate. Now the country since 2040 are about 17 thousand temporary teachers.