Inspector General of Police

Inspector General of Police

Inspector General of Police Upendra Aryal Community Service Center Kirtipur, Kirtipur Municipality and the Metropolitan Police Circle, held in Kirtipur "Security Awareness Week" program on Saturday at a ceremony opening did Kirtipur.

On the occasion, Inspector General of Police Aryal 'is a citizen of the police, the police citizen is to "discuss the establishment of police in accordance with the recognition that the same concept of civil and police cooperation in criminal investigation and control of the society, said that maintaining peace and security, and help prevent distortion bisangati.

Smile Police Service and the police, such as my friend so dire that the major purpose of the public to collaborate with the program this week will contribute for-framing, he said.

Police Inspector General of Police to discuss the evaluation should be citizens Aryal police are still good, smart, sound, and effective leadership is not only the important role of the citizens, all kept their contribution, he added.

Unemployment, using modern technology, makes the growth change in thinking can prevent crime together to discuss only the Police Inspector General of Police and citizens Aryal programs such sacetanamulaka deepen cooperation and make more contribution to peace and security and expressed belief.

Additional Inspector General of Police Metropolitan Police Office, Rani major ceremony Pratapsinhaji Thapa police and citizens, and encouraging voter participation in the prosperous, rich and civilized society and expressed the hope of making a meaningful hypotheses.

On the occasion, Chief and executive officer of the municipality Rizal uddhavaprasada collaboration with communities towards the success of this campaign was needed the cooperation of all.

Community Service Center to complete the program in Kirtipur President ravindrabahadura High presided over the Metropolitan Police Circle Deputy Superintendent of Police Dr. Kirtipur. Khatri Preya welcome speech and highlighted the importance of the program.

The program, Nepal Police, Armed Police Force, Community Service Center officials, representatives of political parties, various social organizations, ASU, teachers and students, journalists and locals, cultural scene, and insert band sacetanamulaka awareness rally with placards pond, caphala, Naya, democratic squares, bus reached the ceremony, was being karyakramasthala.
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