Vishwakarma Puja arms tonight mesinakae the day of worship, is yastae importance paairanika

Vishwakarma Puja arms tonight mesinakae the day of worship, is yastae importance paairanika

OCT sankrantika day of worship today kaligadhale Biswokarma are celebrating Vishwakarma Day. After the era of Lord Krishna of Dwapara BK giant pain in the midst of the sea 'distinction Dwarka "by making the hidden religious faith. One night, in the midst of the sea 'distinction Dwarka "to build a successful architect because Bishwaarma considered as the same time the tradition of worship held in Nepal Calendar Determination Committee Chairman Prof Dr Chandra Gautam dharmasastravid.

Ancient India guard the four directions are considered as the god guard west of devatamadhye dvarakalai. Construction of BK 'distinction Dwarka "Even now the state of Gujarat in India is in the midst of the sea. Bishwaarma architectural knowledge as specific expertise, are also divided. Son of Brahma is believed that the construction of BK lankalagayata daivikalaka all.

This is in remembrance of the grand today as Nepal kaligadhale Vishwakarma Puja father and his scholarship in honor, so that the faith commission also received Biswokarma properties Biswokarma worship them.

Even today, the day celebrated as the founding architectural architectural scribe.