Grandma's birthday back home dhurmusa

Grandma's birthday back home dhurmusa

Artist and social engineer Sitaram Kattel 'dhurmusa' s birthday today. In March 2040, VDC Ward No. 7 in Solukhumbu district necabetaghari dhurmusale born on 14 November 2065, the artist pergolas Ghimire 'Suntali "was married with. They are the first children as janmadieka daughter.

Comedy Sarrkkar 'My bassai' made from hot dhurmusa and Suntali on April 12 earthquake have been successful in mind janajanako fallen settlement construction. Now they are busy SINDHUPALCHOWK girancaura settlement construction. Dasainsammama settlement construction project has been their plan. If transfer of settlement dhurmusale Dashain said. Settlement construction industry dhurmusa birthday is doing what? "Today is a day of vacation, I fully came into the house," he said, "The woman has come to Grandma's house. So to see him come home. One day, the house was done throughout the year at any time do not bear. "

Girancaura visit old Rekha Thapa and dhurmusa settlement. The film is directed by himself short hair friendly 'Jyoti' special show put dhurmusale their investment in collaboration movie 'six claw' to see the plan are made. Acting and won the audience with social service dhurmusako next plan is? He adds, "nirantarata acting, inasmuch as society and will continue to serve the nation is thinking." Happy birthday, millions!

The Wild Ripperz Crew

The Wild Ripperz Crew

If you have followed Dance Plus Season 1, you would be obviously waiting with bated breath for Dance Plus season 2. So, here’s some good news for you, folks. Your wait is finally over. The show is going to premiere today on Star Plus at 8 pm. Yay! So, we thought you should know everything there is to know about the show. Here are the five things you MUST know before you tune in tomorrow to watch your favourite dance reality show.Yes, choreographer Remo D’souza returns as the judge on the show will also be hosting some of the episodes this time. Raghav Juyal, who had hosted season 1, will be returning as the main host. “There’s a huge surprise for viewers this time for Season 2. I have planned a lot of things and hosting is one of those,” said the national-award winning choreographer in a statement.Punit Pathak, who has also starred in a movie (ABCD: Anybody Can Dance) will be seen as a mentor in season 2 of the show. He had even tweeted about the show a while back, when the auditions were in full swing. The title track of Dance Plus season 1 and season 2 has been sung by Benny Dayal Do you like the title track of Dance Plus 2? We do too. The Badtameez Dil singer, Benny Dayal, is the voice behthind the peppy and vibrant soundtrack of both the seasons of Dance Plus. - See more at:

Bomb scare at half a dozen schools in Valley

Bomb scare at half a dozen schools in Valley

Threat of bombs in various schools around the Valley has terrorized the people.The bomb terrors have spread across Radiant School of Lalitpur, Kanchanjunga School of Dallu in Kathmandu, Ray School of Bouddha, Akashdeep School, Eastpole School and Manokamana School of Kathmandu.Locals have claimed that sound of some blasts have been heard from the Manokamana school at 3:45am in the morning. A small pamphlet of Young Communist Force Nepal (YCFN) has been found inside the school. “A suspicious object has been found in other three schools as well,” AIG Pratap Singh Thapa said to Republica Online. He also added that the police have been conducting tests on those objects.”We have found various suspicious objects. We have been carrying out tests on them. We have also found a small pamphlet of YCFN. The action was taken against the group earlier for torching various vehicles.”The police have arrested two people of YCFN. Even though SSP Bikram Singh Thapa confirmed the arrest of two people, but he refused to name them. 

Bomb two schools in the capital, a bomb was found five school

Bomb two schools in the capital, a bomb was found five school

Two schools in the capital on Tuesday morning bomb is. Five school bomb has been found. No casualty or damage has not been detonated.

Jorpati Manakamana beacon school and school secretary BK Ganesh said PABSON bomb.

Meanwhile, Sanepa radians Readers Academy, investigation revealed Kanchanjanga School, Hom Rai School and istapola school, secondary school balasansara Jorpati, makalabarima the suspicious object has been found. Radian school secretary BK dhunganako of PABSON.

Police have arrested two people on suspicion of a Saturday Kathmandu Metropolitan Police Range vikramasinha SSP Thapa.

All Nepal National Free Student Center explosion place and the Young Communist force is sown in Nepal written on paper.

Chairman of the Revolutionary leadership Netra Bikram Chand Bahadur Singh, alleging that his group claimed to have detonated.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock PABSON, N PABSON and HISSAN emergency meeting has been called for.

Bombs explode at two schools in Kathmandu

Bombs explode at two schools in Kathmandu

Bombs have gone off at two Boudha-based schools on Tuesday in kathmandu, Nepal. Also the bomb terrors have spread across Radiant School of Lalitpur, Kanchanjunga School of Dallu in Kathmandu, Ray School of Bouddha, Akashdeep School, Eastpole School and Manokamana School of Kathmandu. Locals have claimed that sound of some blasts have been heard from the Manokamana school at 3:45am in the morning. A small pamphlet of Young Communist Force Nepal (YCFN) has been found inside the school. "A suspicious object has been found in other three schools as well," AIG Pratap Singh Thapa said to Republica Online. He also added that the police have been conducting tests on those objects.

India's failure to agree to the proposal Buddha International Airport airport aviation problems

India's failure to agree to the proposal Buddha International Airport airport aviation problems

Prime Minister Prachanda's visit to India made an agenda airport aviation agreement could be two main issues raised in Nepal and India on many nepalale agreement means Sky Air Space egiramenta and three bordering Nepal Airlines are allowed entry into the agreement regarding the proposal, this time not.

Each of the last prime minister to visit India rakhidai these issues have come to the agenda. Prime Minister Prachanda also had the proposal. But the bilateral talks, both parties agreed to lack of Delhi anyata karobaradainikama news again today increased.

Justification trilateral economic corridor

Justification trilateral economic corridor

October 4, 2073- India, Nepal and China trilateral economic partnership Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, as I was afraid to travel to India long before the public the significance of the proposal in the parliament was registered. My purpose in this regard before the Nepalese prime minister met with Indian counterparts to discuss Nepal's Parliament be. Consider a different party and Prime Minister reaffirmed darkened Indian counterparts that the talks it was an agenda to flourish. Parliament proposed by the Committee in Parliament to discuss this important topic planned for the run is recommended. But the reluctance of the government to slow down or, it could come about the ongoing discussion. I understand the gravity of this issue in various media garemm it public, the prime minister focused on it. This time, two of the prime minister in Delhi to discuss the agenda of the meeting, it could not be. But this topic is important and necessary today as a distinct phenomenon that is.

Nearly two years ago, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had gone to China. In those days, China and India issued a joint statement bamudama India, Nepal and China trilateral economic corridor was mentioned to make. The two neighboring countries regarding the interest in our proposal, adding that his role is not Nepal is also some common query. China will have a different meeting place, it is up seminars. But no discussion of Nepal and India did not. Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli previous government in Beijing to visit China when he 'India, Nepal and China, Nepal has supported the economic corridor' that the public announcement. Van Van Belt Road did support the concept. China's proposal is the concept of trilateral corridor. It is supported by the public as Nepal. India is now the only remaining approach is to come. India has not spoken about this matter. So two of the Prime Minister in Delhi meeting to Nepal and India this approach is the extra effort to realize that I was the above-mentioned manner.

Arson suspected rear object in the morning in the capital four places, dispojala went to the army -

Arson suspected rear object in the morning in the capital four places, dispojala went to the army - 

The police found a suspicious object from four different places in the capital on Wednesday. Police today morning a school in Kathmandu, Lalitpur 3 and found the suspicious of stay. Police bomb might have been suspicious object has initial estimates. Suspicious item to disphojala visesajnayukta technical team of the Nepal Army has reached around the place. Hom Rai School, daksinadhokasthita Manakamana School, investigation revealed another suspicious object was found in a school and a school in Lalitpur rediyanta Metropolitan Police said. Suspicious object found in the place, and the All Nepal National Independent Student Young Communist force in the name of the center, said police found pamphlets scattered.

In India, the Prime Minister met absconding accused

In India, the Prime Minister met absconding accused

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, Nepali security agencies to arrest "wanted" list of the most searched with a controversial high-security circle accused are met in India.
Last year Tikapur pipe intersection duibarse child and eight security personnel killed in the incident involving 'duty to die' issue, he said that the main accused silk Chaudhary Friday evening at the Taj Mahal hotel are met. India and Nepal Taj Mahal hotel for a prestigious businessman addressing a program organized by Chaudhary Dahal met the speaker.
Nepal has invested heavily to build trust in the program was held. Chaudhary speaker came to the Prime Minister Dahal had whispered for some time. Chowdhury attended the program during the prime minister had tajako Aapke. That evening at seven o'clock PM and the speaker talking for some time was caudharibica.
On August 7 last year in India, Chaudhary of Kailali incident massacre are in hiding. Chaudhary was the chief planner of the police imputation is claimed. Kailali district attorney's office to file a case in court is demanding life imprisonment. Chaudhary on behalf of injured and killed police vyaktiviruddha SLR and a pistol to kill the industry, saying captured 'robber theft' case has also been registered.
According to sources involved in the tour groups there, Chaudhary of Kailali compelled to probe a murder case in court due to a problem in Nepal, go back to the issue, saying the cabinet had been not asked. "Chaudhary said in Kailali incident was political.
Back to work as the prime minister and cabinet are involved essence what had been, "said annapurnasamga high source," the prime minister said he was positive return positively to Nepal to discuss the Cabinet assured. Others did not know what happened. Purvajanakari was no meeting with him may be. ' The Prime Minister said that Chaudhary had heard carefully. He asked Chaudhary situation.
Chaudhary of Kailali District Court in a case of murder warrant for arrest has been issued. Court orders are he most searched list. Although he himself innocent of the incident have been claiming Tikapur. Government Attorney Tikaram essence of this topic see our information about him or said something to avoid.
Purvamahanyayadhivakta expert Professor Dr. criminal offense. Saying that when the Prince had gone abroad on an official visit to the country, one could talk about other ejendabaheka said.

Today's Horoscopes | September 20, 2016

Today's Horoscopes | September 20, 2016

Thursday is dedicated to alleviating the bad influence of Lord S hani. The Vrat on this day is mainly observed by those people who believe in Hindu astrology. Black is the color of the day and people visit Shani shrine or Navagraha shrines. Food is only consumed once on the day. Saturday Fasting Dedicated To Hindu God Shani and Hanuman Talk about Shani or Sani to a Hindu and the first re action will be fear and then the mentioning of ill effects and troubles. Shani is dreaded by Hindus, especially by those who believe in astrology. Many people observe an Upvaas or fast to avoid the adversities and misfortunes on Shanivar or Saturday. It is believed that those who have the blessing of Lord Hanuman are protected from the wrath of Shani. Therefore many people make it a point to worship Hanuman at home or in temples. Black is the preferred color on Thursday. Shani, one of the Navagrahas, is worshipped in numerous temples and there are also temples exclusively dedicated to Sani. Devotees who are observing Shanivar Vrat usually visit Shani shrines. Black colored items like sesame til, sesame oil, black clothes, and black gram whole are offered to Shani. It must be noted here that the color of the idol of Shani is always black in color. Those devotees who fast on Saturday only take a single meal that too in the evening after prayers. Food prepared usually consis ts of sesame til or black gram or any other black colored food item. Salt is avoided by many on the day.

India's Nepal-China fears baseless: Prachanda

India's Nepal-China fears baseless: Prachanda

 In an exclusive interview to NDTV in Kathmandu, Prachanda has described that fears in India that he is moving closer to China are ridiculous. Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal today returned home after completing his four-day state visit to India. The Prime Minister was welcomed home by Speaker Onsari Gharti, Deputy Prime Ministers duo Bimalendra Nidhi and Krishna Bahadur Mahara, Ministers, heads of constitutional and security bodies and high-level officials. On the occasion, a contingent of the Nepal Army presented a guard of honour in respect of the Prime Minister. Prime Minister Dahal had been on a four-day visit to India beginning September 15 at the invitation of his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi. PM Dahal, who led a delegation including his spouse Sita, Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat and Minister for Physical Infrastructure and Transport Management Ramesh Lekhak, stayed at the Rastrapati Bhawan in New Delhi during his visit. During his visit, the Prime Minister met and held meetings with senior political leaders and office-bearers including President Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Modi. During the meetings, PM Dahal held consultations with them on working for advancing mutual benefit and interest between Nepal and India. The Prime Minister also signed with India a three-point Memorandum of Understanding during the visit.o;;;;;;;;;;;;.ik 

Today's Horoscopes | September 18, 2016

Today's Horoscopes | September 18, 2016

Thursday is dedicated to alleviating the bad influence of Lord S hani. The Vrat on this day is mainly observed by those people who believe in Hindu astrology. Black is the color of the day and people visit Shani shrine or Navagraha shrines. Food is only consumed once on the day. Saturday Fasting Dedicated To Hindu God Shani and Hanuman Talk about Shani or Sani to a Hindu and the first re action will be fear and then the mentioning of ill effects and troubles. Shani is dreaded by Hindus, especially by those who believe in astrology. Many people observe an Upvaas or fast to avoid the adversities and misfortunes on Shanivar or Saturday. It is believed that those who have the blessing of Lord Hanuman are protected from the wrath of Shani. Therefore many people make it a point to worship Hanuman at home or in temples. Black is the preferred color on Thursday. Shani, one of the Navagrahas, is worshipped in numerous temples and there are also temples exclusively dedicated to Sani. Devotees who are observing Shanivar Vrat usually visit Shani shrines. Black colored items like sesame til, sesame oil, black clothes, and black gram whole are offered to Shani. It must be noted here that the color of the idol of Shani is always black in color. Those devotees who fast on Saturday only take a single meal that too in the evening after prayers. Food prepared usually consis ts of sesame til or black gram or any other black colored food item. Salt is avoided by many on the day.

Sushant Khatri in Nepal

Sushant Khatri in Nepal

Dance Plus - tag line "Ise Kehte Hain Dance"' is an Indian dance competition reality television series, which premiered on 26 July 2015 and broadcast on STAR Plus.

The series is produced by Frames Productions. The auditions for the show were carried out in thirteen cities in India, started from 3 June 2015 and ended on 11 October 2015.

The Winner of Dance + was V Company from Team Dharmesh. The series is hosted by Raghav Juyal, while Remo D'Souza judge the show.

Dharmesh Yelande, Sumeet Nagdev and Shakti Mohan are the mentors of the show. The Season 2 of Dance Plus starts from 2 July 2016.

The auditions takes place across several cities of Indian from 3 to 26 May 2016. 

India does not amend the Constitution, saying that KP kadkie

India does not amend the Constitution, saying that KP kadkie

: CPN (UML) leader KP Sharma Oli said Nepal's constitution can not be amended for a laborer agenda is.
Nagarjuna motidevi senior citizen residential home on Saturday after inaugurating the newly Municipality 10 bhimadhungama he said, "the Nepali people to amend the Constitution, would be valid and acceptable."
He is now the constitution, some inside and outside the banaiekale anekatharisamga compromise to amend the Constitution, and that word is acceptable to conspire against catki said as enjoying. He and others said that the agenda is being attempted to amend the constitution made it clear that it does not accept the Nepalese people.
"Wherever junasukaisamga agreement, but let me work for the national interest and the people of Nepal Nepal garchanunale bhanehami matter where such interest has been opposed to the agreement who are not though to be implemented. ''
Chairman Oli said Nepal is Nepali, and others that require no run, said. He said, "The current government has another agenda as heavy yoke and political conflict and conflict has tried to take the land.
CPN-UML Vice-President and Chairman of the Centre motidevi Astha Shrestha's the way she should have expressed their need for social and economic version.
Nepali Congress MP Ranjit dhyanagovinda, RPP leader and former MP Bikram Thapa, discussed the contribution made by the Nepalese communist movement motidevile.
The dormitories have been built around Rs 70 lakh to politics and displaced affected the elderly made for the Residential Centre Secretary Kumari Sunar said that around 6 rooms to 40 residents can be provision. Lalitpur born founder member of the Communist Party of Nepal Motidevi. Motidevi 2054 BS had died.

Randhir, Rishi Kapoor slap journalists, fans during Ganesh Visarjan

Randhir, Rishi Kapoor slap journalists, fans during Ganesh Visarjan

A video purportedly showing actor Rishi Kapoor and his brother Randhir Kapoor slapping and pushing a few journalists during Ganpati ‘visarjan’ (immersion) on Thursday is doing the rounds online, Randhir is seen ‘slapping’ a reporter, who seems to be approaching him for an audio byte, while Rishi is seen ‘pushing’ a man who approaches him for a selfie. It is not clear, however, if he was from the media or just a fan. 

Body micronutrient deficiencies

Body micronutrient deficiencies

Body micronutrient deficiencies, insomnia, weakness, stress and hormonal changes due to living in a dark spot on the lower portion of the eye.

Some spot are .Khoisan be said of some domestic well to the treatment. Some domestic measures to remove the black eye patch -

Cut the cucumber and lemon cucumber and lemon venues. Both parts of beaten black eye wearing paste made disappear in a few days.

Make alulai cut raw cream, rinse it with cold water after 15 minutes dali black parts.

A teaspoon of grated lemon and tomato juice one-eye part of the grated black eyes with cold water to clean 10 minutes.

Lemon juice on a regular basis to clean the eyes of a black spot repaired.

T-bag in the refrigerator to keep the two half hours. Then the bags to keep a black circle 10 minutes and clean water to clean.

Rose sat upon daily to clean around the eyes.

Coconut oil and massage the lower part of the eye 5 minutes, wash with clean water.

Black eyes in the morning and put to bed at night to clean the parts of the peanut oil.

The dust mixed with honey orange rind and put a black spot, 10 minutes, wash.

Pudinako leaf lemon juice mixed with beaten black eyes wear parts.

Onion and garlic juice mixed with black on black parts of the wash.

A teaspoon soaked fenugreek and turmeric and milk pinera part of grated black eye rub and 10 minutes to clean water.

Mid-residents more comfortable

Mid-residents more comfortable

Mid-residents more comfortable bus service for one another has been in operation. The failure to complete the feature Bheri Transport Pvt Gulariya formal suspension of AC bus is brought into operation.

Bisvakarma worship service held on the occasion of Saturday Bheri Transport Pvt AC suspension, said it is just to bring into operation. Constitution Day on September 3 day bus service will be formally launched Pvt chairman Rajendra Giri. The head office is placed in Gulariya of Bardiya Pvt. If, main branch office in Nepalgunj Giri stay.

Meanwhile, traffic Pvt Bheri Just the start of a bus service has been todphoda. Nepalgunj of Banke not Karkado 6 b 8444 Transport Entrepreneurs Committee in favor of bus syndicates operating group of people from the bus by the Private todphoda President Giri said.

Demolition bus pachadipattika two sisaharu are broken. The bus sisaharu phutaipachi Bheri Transportation Pvt todphodama Banke District Police Office demanding action has given written request. According to the Private Secretary Umesh Guragain ticket for the bus is connected to accommodate e-booking facility is kept.

Civil society coordinator Krishna Oli inaugurated the headquarters-level bus service to operate in Bardia She was congratulated Pvt. Bardiya standard buses operating in remote areas, such as AC suspension is the overall coordinator of the subject bardiyabasika Oli said the handover.

On the occasion, Chairman of the CPN-UML Bardiya, Bheri giving green Gyawali- expressed best wishes for the success of the traffic jointly wished. Bheri Transport Pvt standard bus service will operate 9 ac recent suspension has just UpMcAfee Nepalgunj.

Nepal Banke District Working Committee

Nepal Banke District Working Committee

Youth Association Nepal Banke District Working Committee has been donating. Yuba regular meeting of the association on the occasion of Constitution Day on October 4, decided to donate blood.

Chairman of Youth Association Nepal Banke meeting, chaired by Kishore Thapa donation program organized on the occasion of the Constitution Day of the decision. YAN has also decided to increase their activity for various. Association of School Department Chief kusmakhara Basyal have selected the same economic entity Tilak HJ Smith, publicity department chief Rabindra Singh Thakuri, Women Department chief poem royal, Information Department Raju Tamang, internal activities department Milan Shah, Health Department of Santa Kumar Chaudhary, Nature source Gyanendra volley Department, Department of social and cooperative bomb suit, training Department and agriculture Department Teak Manandhars responsibilities among themselves Pulami love has been.

history of the Olympics

 history of the Olympics

No country in the history of the Olympics without their refugees to pass, this time to participate in the tournament, which drew the world's attention. The team was displaced refugees in five countries.

According to a recent United Nations world of every 113 are displaced one in his holiness, which means, to be around 6 million people have been forced to become refugees. The number of the country's population of more than dobba rabhanda. So yuddhaprabhavita Syria, South Sudan, Ethiopia, the land of kangolagayataka saranarthiharule 10 homeless people inorder to represent 6.

South Sudan Daily nathike and blindfolded for iyesa purale Introducing had practice, for which they are not shoes. Similarly, South Sudan Paulo Loco, Angelina lohalitha, Ethiopia Jonas kinde, Congo popole misenga, yolande Mabira, Syria, Rami Anis had participated in the tournament.

These saranarthiharule a medal in the Olympics in Rio, but failed to win the attention of the world media were successful. Rio's Maracana stadium when they attended the inauguration of thousands of people beat clapping their welcome. The Committee also welcomes the Olympic Solidarity refugee problems.

However, this time the refugee problem alocakaharule The establishment of Europe only because they felt that the participation in the Olympics. Their question was, "If the Olympics are refugees, so lovely save the lives of more refugees have fled why the doorway way? Why starve and die drowned in a boat bound khamdiera battle? '

Li Yun Ju two jimanyasta Korean Peninsula and Hong Kum plus those jonale drew smiling selfie, which became viral around the media. This was due to that they represent two different Olympics Korea had arrived, which is about the war situation.

Session-year-old South in Korea for the first time to participate in the Olympics was being taken, she said twenty-year-old Hong Beijing North in Korea olampikamai Vault Gold jitisakeki player. This time, both failed to win medals. But their selfie above political abides by the principles and interpretation as a symbol of unity. Some Western media as it is also an opportunity for North koriyaviruddha propoganda plots. They wrote, "Because of the South Korean players aligned with the selfie honalai be executed. '
In any case, these two players gave a message of unity through game is kadarayogya.

Similarly, the first game is not only important to confirm that the American runner and had shown diagastinole AB. 5 thousand meters race track ladeki nyujilyandaki he might hit another runner and fell hyambalinasamga Nikki. Then he woke up and tired, she started hyambalinalai diagastinole than daudinako but fell again in a few minutes hyambalina. He poured them back up diagastinole Lieberman and tired her, but she said hyambalinale. Diagastinako international media praise him.

Bahamasaki Shauna Miller, 400 meters race gold medal defeating the United Alison Felix, 0.7 sekendale medal. His victory was the last time he talked so the dive was haneki. The move caused some controversy, but his Olympic race Dive throw Testament is found, being denied their jitalai legal culminating in some nabhaniekole. He was not a single player to win it struck dive.

Similarly, a Chinese swimmer, so the discussion yuanahuile Fu received a 400-meter relay after the fourth best performance since the bed himself, she could not. His honesty as well as social 'tyabuko as normal as explained in this matter, and the world media because it seemed he was in his praise. Phule kyanadaki Kylie masesamga distance equal to the time of completion of the 100-meter backstroke gold medal bronze medal.

Germany twin sisters Anna and Lisa hanerale completed the marathon distance hand. 26 years earlier, pointing to the twins kept the record of 2 hours 45 minutes 15 minutes away loose 81 th and 82 th had become full of. However, all the doing good to one another from the hand did not. They wanted to draw media attention and has accused the marathon race for the fun of it ¥ faced. Marathon race, the earth, with the blossoming step away and jailed together, why not?

Dive into the Chinese player won the silver medal she received vivahaprastava samarohamai O wet medal. Another inch Dive player Kyle Chin had proposed him to sleep. 25-year-old received the same nomination as improbable during the six years of his 30-year-old virgin, the proposal had shifted his knees. Welcome to accept the proposal garirahadam wet hands to beat the crowd was great.

Yasaipataka seven players were included in the Olympics for the first time the Brazilian player ragbiki Isadora serulolai his girlfriend to marry Marjorie offered enyale. Marjorie also has diyodoro stadium administrator. She gladly accepted and marjorile isadoralai vivahaprastavalai isadorale neck ring. So take a few minutes and then added a homosexual intimate kiss was absorbed.

A report from Rio Olympics public typically gay, bisexual, and gender has changed the 45 players and 3 coaches had participated.

These trainers and others who died to save lives
In another context, a coach in Germany, who were killed in an accident, your donations are due prominence. Canoe slalom coach Stefan honjele by donations after his death saved the lives of four people said.

France jimnyasta Samir Ait saidako leg selection stages. 26 years old Saeed bad way under the ground bajarimda ghumdabhanda broken part could be seen clearly. Kodraha him to the hospital when his health had wished for the kind of people clapping. He also asked courageously went to shake hands with him.

As in the Olympics this time, Nepal sahabhagitamai to satisfy Pa ¥ this. International media attention somewhat younger players gaurika Singh khicnebaheka any athlete medals and win the hearts of the display through them. In fact, Nepal is still some time to wait for better performance and the competitive need to prepare.

In 200 9 in Brazil, according to the days of the Olympics and be sure to Brazilian President Luís Inácio Lula de Silva, the Olympic and fill paraolampikale brajiliharuma confidence and economic progress had announced opening the door. It was the same elsewhere. In 2008, Beijing's Games and the world economic development in China has improved the image was. Therefore, Brazil is also one of the world's largest economy as the same was not unusual to expect. But there daily decreases crime, violence, corruption, and the last phase of viral infection and due to political bickering with surface Olympics in Brazil has not been able to enjoy the benefit. Extensive police repression, a great investment, but the support of the Olympics so successful, so the collapse of the Brazilian economy to make even more worried that brajiliharuma found.

Brazilian political scientist and engineer Louis Soares writes eduvardo, the success of the Olympic Games for Rio dwellers it was a "political issue and as a pass through for the future cunautiko. The government has failed to properly manage the Olympic Games and the common man to pay a high cost, but the benefits only if ekatharika man has to take his charge.

The high costs of the Olympics project, the construction of the monumental issue of Physical Structures and his upayogitajasta things a few days, a lack of others who do not birsaunecha brajilabhitra Olympic success.

Teacher Education Department

Teacher Education Department

The government has started the process to manage temporary teachers.

Teacher Education Department to manage temporary service khulaine teacher who wants to take part in the next internal competition or teacher who refused to participate in the contest 'facilities to Holiday' to choose one form to fill out the details urged has urged.

Baburam Paudel Department of Education Education (Eighth Amendment), according to the two alternatives in order to manage temporary teachers to fill in a form called by Roger said. Lien was working as a teacher to manage the Department of temporary and one to cover two alternatives October 10 deadline for temporary teachers to collect details form 'to fill has urged.

Five Regional Education Directorate has instructed the teacher to collect the filled form is given. Feature teacher who took retirement to compete in the next ad for form filling feature, until publication of the examination results is made available.

The teacher can temporarily fill the District Education Office has been arranged. Full form until October 15 and October 30, the deadline to the Department of the Directorate instructed to send all directorate. Now the country since 2040 are about 17 thousand temporary teachers.

Zoya husband Thapa Magar

Zoya husband Thapa Magar

Zoya husband Thapa Magar life all of a sudden the Philippines have signed.

On Thursday, he went to the Philippines are suddenly uncle with trembling Magar. Consular Philippines France, Qatar and the US Consular Consular Plan, Zoya and various groups to understand the incident and was on the process of processes has been described.

According to sources, transit through Abu Dhabi they reach Manila. Meanwhile, Zoya also arriving in Manila said. According to his uncle shake Magar of Nepal to return to Manila kansularaharusanga ballots will discuss about the process.

Manila, Philippines during 2 days, got his two children Zoya concerned authorities to understand the process and the initiatives required in Nepal to return to an investment. His uncle depths to reach all the process fully indonesiya and 23 September are back to Nepal

Dashrath Stadium Report

Dashrath Stadium Report

The Dasarath Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in Tripureshwar, Kathmandu. Holding 17,800, [1] it is the biggest stadium in Nepal. It is named after Dashrath Chand, one of four great martyrs of Nepal. The stadium is currently used mostly for football matches and cultural and entertainment programs. Three Star Club are tenants of the stadium. It has floodlights installed, to facilitate matches and events in the evenings. Most of Nepal's national and international tournaments are held in this stadium. Nepal's primary football division, Martyr's Memorial League, is also held in this ground every year.

Various countries where road accident

Various countries where road accident

Various countries where road accident 4 people were killed and some injured is.

-5 Sindhupalchowk the road Ba 5 Cha 7725 when the number Balero jeep met with an accident on Friday in vehicle-old Temba Sherpa Karthali 1 and 44 died on the spot. 14-year-old living in the same place and the 33-year-old Kami Sherpa sirina Lama Crichton Hospital for treatment of injuries Barhabise has been sent. Police impounded the car and driver.

Likewise, Jhapa sibasatasi Municipality-5 dudamari Bypass Ba 3 Kha 7534 East-West Highway bus was seriously injured Friday when their lorry lorry driver living in the same place 55-year-old Gopal Darji biemasi Hospital, has died while undergoing treatment. Police have impounded the bus and the driver.

Similarly, Nuwakot Taruka -2 indracokasthita Na 3 Kha 3207 bus journey from the streets came the same place, 60-year-old in order to cross the same way Batuli Mizar orliyara bus was seriously injured when the bus hit the district hospital on Friday has died while undergoing treatment at Trishuli. Police impounded the car and driver.

Similarly, the road in Ilam Soyak-9 .1 number is 5443 tractor accident on Friday when a tractor ride municipality of Kaski district, 30-year-old santosa Thapa died on the spot. The driver, 28-year-old Padma Tiwari Jhapa sivaganja being injured has been sent for treatment birtamodatarpha.

Similarly, the road-7 not bara gadhimai 1 H 571 Tempo on Saturday met with an accident on board 6 people were injured when the tempo. They are undergoing treatment at Narayani Sub-regional Hospital, Birgunj for treatment. Police have said the driver fled tempo is being searched. The local police is required in connection with the accident investigation.

Commission for the Investigation

Commission for the Investigation

Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, the Maoist combatants in the aniyamita investigation has revealed ignorance of the subject.

Visiting Prime Minister of India in New Delhi Talking to journalists in Nepal has said that there is some information about the authority's decision. About himself, has argued for the first time journalists did not know. He returned home authority detailed study course that he has said.
Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority started an investigation Friday evening fighter camp aniyamita information was given. The Commission is also preparing to wear the edge of a month, according to research. Aniyamitasamga jodiekalai be mailed within 30 days of attendance, according to the Commission.

Boat capsize in Saptakoshi; rescue continues

Boat capsize in Saptakoshi; rescue continues

A boat was capsized in the Saptakoshi River at Prakashpur-5, Rajabasa of Sunsari district this afternoon. It is suspected that as many as 15 people have gone missing in the River following the boat capsize and the rescue operation is underway, informed Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) at Sunsari District Police Office, Binod Ghimire.
The boat on the way to Prakashpur-5, Rajabasa from Sri Lanka Island of Sunsari had turned down in the River. Comprehensive details of the accident are yet to be updated, police said.

Dashain festival is najikido

Dashain festival is najikido

Nepalese Hindu festival Dashain festival is najikido. Other times, consumers are more festive than food materials tend to accumulate. Most Nepalese Dashain purchasing power is hard to sustain. This is the situation in view of the government target of Dashain and Tihar fair price shops has been operating. Such relief is near enough, but the majority of business is the lack of such market Lanka is listening ear if you like my buccai has to be.

Black and price control in the name of growth has started from Saturday to fair value. However, the government fair price shops for a large number of customers due to lack of close to ordinary people are forced to buy food the old ways. The government fair price shops in operation close to the consumer and does it provide relief for people with remote customers and consumers ¥ Iqbal said that it is difficult for the government to take cooperation. When safeguard fair price shops all accessible by guided «is welcome. The common people always want to take advantage of promulgating various places, but the government has opened the fair price shop for discount of Rs 5 to 10 Nepali consumers of sinful not to attend. However, if the government fair price shops run by black control has come to claim. Minister Deepak Bohara supply at affordable prices to discourage those who thought that black market by conducting the promulgation of the government.
The government is subsidizing various food stuff in some extent. Kathamadauaimma price shops has been launched in 11 places of the country if the valley is also home mobile van door luggage has been Arrangement ¥ m. If the consumers seem to do anything to reach some relief. But the merchant the opportunity to cover the government's objective is clear is that a similar holiday. The government should take note of them every shop can be affordable price for consumers. It is necessary to continue to monitor it. After the beating, determined to spend for the holidays, said Nepali citizens also need to be closed for the nighttime discounts.

Inspector General of Police

Inspector General of Police

Inspector General of Police Upendra Aryal Community Service Center Kirtipur, Kirtipur Municipality and the Metropolitan Police Circle, held in Kirtipur "Security Awareness Week" program on Saturday at a ceremony opening did Kirtipur.

On the occasion, Inspector General of Police Aryal 'is a citizen of the police, the police citizen is to "discuss the establishment of police in accordance with the recognition that the same concept of civil and police cooperation in criminal investigation and control of the society, said that maintaining peace and security, and help prevent distortion bisangati.

Smile Police Service and the police, such as my friend so dire that the major purpose of the public to collaborate with the program this week will contribute for-framing, he said.

Police Inspector General of Police to discuss the evaluation should be citizens Aryal police are still good, smart, sound, and effective leadership is not only the important role of the citizens, all kept their contribution, he added.

Unemployment, using modern technology, makes the growth change in thinking can prevent crime together to discuss only the Police Inspector General of Police and citizens Aryal programs such sacetanamulaka deepen cooperation and make more contribution to peace and security and expressed belief.

Additional Inspector General of Police Metropolitan Police Office, Rani major ceremony Pratapsinhaji Thapa police and citizens, and encouraging voter participation in the prosperous, rich and civilized society and expressed the hope of making a meaningful hypotheses.

On the occasion, Chief and executive officer of the municipality Rizal uddhavaprasada collaboration with communities towards the success of this campaign was needed the cooperation of all.

Community Service Center to complete the program in Kirtipur President ravindrabahadura High presided over the Metropolitan Police Circle Deputy Superintendent of Police Dr. Kirtipur. Khatri Preya welcome speech and highlighted the importance of the program.

The program, Nepal Police, Armed Police Force, Community Service Center officials, representatives of political parties, various social organizations, ASU, teachers and students, journalists and locals, cultural scene, and insert band sacetanamulaka awareness rally with placards pond, caphala, Naya, democratic squares, bus reached the ceremony, was being karyakramasthala.
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Lack of a clear definition

Lack of a clear definition 

Lack of a clear definition of what the government has to understand that the Hospital Community Hospital as a community hospital, said that there are about uncertainty.

Today, the capital of Nepal Association of Community Hospital of the participants in the first national gathering of what the hospital community, assets inherited or cooperative hospital stressed that catching.

The Ministry of Health Ministry Secretary Lilaraj Poudel managed to make contributions to the community hospitals were also made directory that is not complete.

What criteria have not yet fulfilled his ministry hospital failed to explain what the hospital said that would make clear the basis. He said, "We have to organize subsidy souls directory. Twenty-Community Hospital have received grants. Now the hospital has received grant money must come out to destroy that what used to work. "

How to take forward community hospital that has already started to discuss about the ministry, he said. Association Chairman Ejaz Alam said the state community hospital to see an eye altered. He said, "am still prefer to go to the doctor at a community hospital. They think there will not be good management. It is necessary to make changes to the public hospital. "

District 32 Community Hospital, 130 took part in the meeting are different. Community Hospital of meeting the roadmap ahead, will discuss the problem is.

Jagdamba Motors for the first time

Jagdamba Motors for the first time

Jagdamba Motors for the first time outside Kathmandu, Butwal has launched their show your arms. Butwal Butwal Saturday Milanchowk president Mahesh Singh opened the Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

Show your arms are urged Dahal launch industrial, commercial without the subharambhale of success and expressed confidence that Sky GC. He not only sales after sales service is also able to operate effectively as Sky can win the hearts of the general customer said.

Sky program, the official seller Jagdamba Motors Kathmandu Valley for the first time outside Butwal sorumasamgai Existing Spears has also received parts and sarbhisina Jagdamba Motors Markets chief Bikram Poudel said. He called the king of Sky 2 pangramma bike range, as well as three-wheelers also available skurataraka said.

1 hundred 15-year-old tibhiesale 60 countries are sticking to their product sales also good in the market Jagdamba Sky Motors vice prasidenta Deepak Agrawal said. He Butwal regional level showroom and service center of cutting-edge technology has been operated.

Representatives of India SP Sky Sky program krsnanale new models Kailali days coming to market information, including the tibhiesale myanuphayakcarina Addressing the dam scooter, Apache aratiara 2 hundred to come, he said .In apacemai 160, 180 and the Apache model also has a very stylish and modified by dijaija well as the young generation of Brazilians, he said. Sushil Chhetri program operation has completed.

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal's visit to India, the continuation of tradition and formality that is limited to the CPN-UML comment. Constitution The Constitution nacahaneharu being ineffective to make the movements, saying it firmly eclipsed even the valley of the CPN-UML said.

Joint statement of the Prime Minister's visit to India and said that any new thing, CPN-UML. Before the visit, he said that some have no claim and commitment agreement UML is claimed.
The local level of trust, and the election dhakelera constitution in restructuring activities are saying that it will be eclipsed by the CPN-UML drdhatavapurvaka said. The amendment to the constitution to make ineffective nacahaneharu constitution ready for the UML is accused. Political parties and political crisis in the country to establish a constitutional vacuum which has been detrimental about the UML.
Ownership of the Constitution to protect the deliberations and for the implementation of the CPN-UML, UML drdhapurvaka ubhinesameta said. The CPN-UML party office on Saturday at a press conference in Kathmandu on September 3 with an extensive program to celebrate Constitution Day on Friday.

Janakpur jayanagar railway construction

Janakpur jayanagar railway construction

Janakpur also known as Janakpurdham is the administrative headquarters of Dhanusa District of the Janakpur Zone and as of 2015 had a population of 169,287. The city is located about 123 kilometres south-east of Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. 
Jayanagar is a residential and commercial neighbourhood of the city of Bangalore in Karnataka, India. It's one of the zones of BBMP. It is sub-divided into 7 wards. The foundation of Jayanagar was laid in the year 1948.

The objective of the government

The objective of the government

The objective of the government to resolve the energy crisis in the next two years with the goal of producing a thousand 450 megawatts of electricity is forwarded.

The government of Nepal Electricity Authority, its subsidiary company of Minister and private sector construction project promoters are urged to complete as soon as the goal is forwarded.

Authority is constructing the 32 MW project Chameliya and the project was completed the next deadline is stated. 14 MW capacity of the project.

A similar project is also enhanced by subsidiary companies to facilitate faster completion will be required. It is the major Upper Tamakoshi Hydropower Project. The project capacity is 456 MW. Upcoming mansiradekhi dam and other infrastructure work will be carried forward. India have been affected by the earthquake and undeclared sanctions, due to the construction of the project has already begun.

Similarly, Chilime Hydro Power Project by subsidiary companies Sanjen respectively, the upper Sanjen, construct the project will be the construction of speed.

Energy Minister Janardan Sharma, NEA's another important project being the construction of Upper Trishuli three A delay would soon end, and for its initiative has been.

He authority of its subsidiary companies and 850 MW hydro power project, 400 MW of solar private investors, a total of 200 MW jaivikalagayata sources thousand 450 megawatts of electricity will be added to the internal grid, said.

Similar Dhalkebar-Muzaffarpur transmission line will add 600 MW of electricity has been imported earlier agreement. Dhalkebar Chinese contractor substation construction work is moving ahead.

Dhalkebar work two siphtma
Energy Minister Sharma Dhalkebar speed substation construction process, he said. He said, "Recently two siphtma daily substation is being built. Chinese contractor is operating daily 300 more workers. "

Substation is aimed to complete the construction of the end of the next November. After completion of the substation will be easier to import electricity from India. 220 kV substation capacity of more electricity will be imported and the government to resolve the energy crisis in the country is the target.

Similar Dhalkebar-Khimti transmission line construction has reached its final stage. The project is ongoing, effective monitoring of vital construction project that will be completed in due time, the NEA Director broadcasting major kanhaiyalal MANANDHAR says.

Leakage Control Campaign continues
Similarly, leakage control and effectively implement energy efficiency programs, the government is planning. Authority Executive Director navaniyuukta Kulman Ghishing leakage as major action plan to move forward the agenda of the public.

The flow of electricity to the national transmission line will be 25 percent electricity leakage NEA. Only able to control the leakage of 250 megawatts of electricity could be prevented NEA.

NEA dues of Rs ten billion is the same. Dues Minister and leakage control and the campaign as a campaign ahead is to continue to keep the ministry said.

Large capacity transmission line will be
The government is currently in practice instead of the small and medium capacity transmission line 765 KV 400 kebhidekhi construction of major transmission lines as a campaign is to move ahead. The Authority is currently only 11 kebhidekhi 400 KV transmission line is built.

A couple of years more than ten thousand MW of electricity will be produced due to the need of a large capacity transmission highway Dinesh Ghimire, joint secretary at the Ministry of Energy. According to the ability of the river, the north-south high-voltage transmission line to start the construction work and the mid-hills Highway certain high voltage transmission line will be built even if the goal of the government is Ghimire, Joint Secretary.

According to the Office

According to the Office

Hotels and restaurants registered in Myagdi Rs 87 million has been invested in business.

According to the Office of Cottage and Small Industry Development Committee Myagdi by fiscal year 2072 ÷ 73 510 registered hotels and restaurants of the investment is. Last year, 21 new hotels and restaurants have been registered.

The hotel employed a thousand 275 people had registered branch of the industry committee, Indra Poudel shopper. Benny, ghodepani, Singa, Tatopani, daravana, Ghurung tatopanilagayata place for a few years, the hotel and restaurant tourism has increased in order to be established.

Increased tourist traffic and hotel guests and to facilitate investment and the ability to be moved to hotels and restaurants increased Entrepreneurs Association president Gopal Poudel.

New hotels open and service facilities and upgrading old ones started to increase in investment in this sector. Ksamatta the hotel room shortage hike bus and even by Jana nights problem is removed. District sightseeing, trekking and mountaineering in the Himalayas due to the abundance of potential entrepreneurs are attracted to hotels and restaurants vyavasayatarpha.

Parsanaliti first ipisoda

Parsanaliti first ipisoda 

"Together for 365 dejavarkasapako parsanaliti Development Workshop was held in the first ipisoda. (Himalayan Vision Foundation) organized by the Youth Club cabahila MTUC Rhododendrons lipstick as the workshop held in the office for free.
 Vision Himalayan Foundation and raises the inneta man, how to develop the midst of overcapacity, how to use them with the objective of 'Together for parsanaliti Development Workshop brought forward the concept of the new 365 dejanamaka workshops.
Parsanala Development workshops for up to a year as partial as the Himalayan Vision Foundation will conduct free. Each person in the organization, especially in the ability to hide among all the blooms and their parsanalitiko workshops to develop a new concept for the form of the new diskarsa be brought forward. The UMWA any age, gender, language, delineating not separated. The participation of people of all ages who are known. The UMWA as a year of fortnightly ipisoda the arganaijarale 24 days.
People attending the first workshop ipisadama bisesaharule (LED) come about the word and put his arguments. Now the, political leadership, not only at each person and need to stay in the lead group and had to be managed to statements.
Similarly, the same program as the chief guest to attend Everest Finance Limited Director Mao Rai Kirat, his success in life is crucial to keeping the individuality of speaking about them. And he 'parsanala Development Workshop Together for only one year, but continued to give 365 dejakaryakramalai are also urged.
Workshop on Saturday 15 th of September has been ipisodako. The organizers of the second ipisodama the same word (LED) are informed about the debate Hane. Rhododendrons rouge moving cabahilama Youth Club office workshops in progress until the second ipisoda 7 pm to 10 pm The information provided is conducted.
Program organizer and chairman of the Bupal Rai ecabhiephaka being conducted parsanaliti Development varkasapale all man, and society being developed that will help to bring out the narrow vision gujrirahekaharulai said. Similarly, for the presence of all the rest of ipisodaharuma also urged.

The first occasion of Constitution

The first occasion of Constitution

CPN 9emale 0 scheduled time of the country's democracy and constitution implementation of the election from their own contribution has appealed to all personnel were ¥.

The first occasion of Constitution Day program organized by the party held a press conference to inform him about the construction of the foundation of the sacrifice of the Nepalese people of Nepal for the implementation of the constitution and the party was firm in the information.

On the occasion, delivered a press statement says: "The Constitution not allow the lightning, also continue to maintain and continue to prevent the implementation of our party firmly stood against the maneuverings of the nadinesammaka because each country has received today a democratic constitution."

A few days in advance

A few days in advance

A few days in advance, Bardiya suryapatuva -1 pattharabojhima terror has increased by a wild elephant.
Two persons were killed in one day, three days before the wild hattile was taken. The villages of fear and rice crops are lost to the local inhabitants were terrorized.

Two persons were killed in one day by taking control of the elephant began to panic macauna wok Nepal Bardia and Chitwan National Park has the technical team has been deployed in cakes.

An elephant has raged Thursday needle stoning and other acts of terror elephant village also coming to the field with the technical team to throw them out of the needle lathyauna deployed day and night in the village, Bardiya, Chief Conservation Officer Ramesh Thapa said

Byers at night when going to a relative's house eating wild elephant attack home suryapatuva VDC ward no. 72-year-old victim was killed purahi 4 Dallara.

When returning home the same day of the same school by bicycle suryapatuva -1 paththarabojhika 13 year old Prince Chaudhary was also killed in wild elephant attack.

Another provision of increased terror and wild elephant village for at least seven villages suryapatuva -1 pattharabojhi dallatarpha students come to read the provision, according to the car park. 

Lanka Koshi Koshi Dhunga

 Lanka Koshi Koshi Dhunga

Sunsari island of Sri Lanka Koshi Koshi Dhunga heading east Prakashpur rajavasa is overturned. 37 people have been engrossed in the river lay down Dhunga demands.

About 45 of the passengers on board skidded off Dhunga Koshi still some missing, police said. And 1 to 6 were rescued Dhunga motaravota was operational. Who were rescued from the water due to the difficulty, but the police said. The increase in distance of the former bhangalobata two kilomicharako occupying the island called Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has opened the island to the west of Bhagalpur. Therefore, the settlement previously delayed locals riding Dhunga no alternative.

President Dr Ram Baran Yadav

President Dr Ram Baran Yadav

President Dr Ram Baran Yadav today the United States is going.

India last month his prostate tumor therapy (cancer) had been confirmed.

Before the US for treatment out a press release today, the President Dr Yadav doctor as soon as possible, or safely removed from the tumor bataekale Nepal Medical Council has said that he was going to the US for medical treatment rayaanusara.

President Dr Yadav Michigan State Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit on September 10 on saharasthita tumor has taken time for the surgery.

He kamanale all Nepalis themselves quickly return the country to deport perfect health service, a guarantee. President Yadav, economic and administrative support charge to do for treatment, saying thanks to the Government of Nepal has even.

Fourteen hundred MW of electricity within two years by the Government of Nepal to release load-shedding plan -

Fourteen hundred MW of electricity within two years by the Government of Nepal to release load-shedding plan.

The government of Nepal Electricity Authority, its subsidiary company of Minister and private sector construction project promoters are urged to complete as soon as the goal is forwarded. Authority is constructing the 32 MW project Chameliya and the project was completed the next deadline is stated. 14 MW capacity of the project. A similar project is also enhanced by subsidiary companies to facilitate faster completion will be required. It is the major Upper Tamakoshi Hydropower Project. The project capacity is 456 MW. Upcoming mansiradekhi dam and other infrastructure work will be carried forward. India have been affected by the earthquake and undeclared sanctions, due to the construction of the project has already begun.

Similarly, Chilime Hydro Power Project by subsidiary companies Sanjen respectively, the upper Sanjen, construct the project will be the construction of speed. Energy Minister Janardan Sharma, NEA's another important project being the construction of Upper Trishuli three A delay would soon end, and its initiative for the country. He authority of its subsidiary companies and 850 MW hydro power project, 400 MW of solar private investors, a total of 200 MW jaivikalagayata sources thousand 450 megawatts of electricity will be more informed internal grid. Similar Dhalkebar-Muzaffarpur transmission line will add 600 MW of electricity has been imported earlier agreement. Dhalkebar Chinese contractor substation construction work is moving ahead.

Dhalkebar work two siphtma
Energy Minister Sharma said that the pace of Dhalkebar substation construction process. He said, "Recently two siphtma daily substation is being built. Chinese contractor is operating daily 300 more workers. "

Substation is aimed to complete the construction of the end of the next November. After completion of the substation will be easier to import electricity from India. 220 kV substation capacity of more electricity will be imported and the government to resolve the energy crisis in the country is the target. Similar Dhalkebar-Khimti transmission line construction has reached its final stage. The project is ongoing, effective monitoring of vital construction project that will be completed in due time, the NEA Director broadcasting major kanhaiyalal MANANDHAR year.

Leakage Control Campaign continues
Similarly, leakage control and effectively implement energy efficiency programs, the government is planning. Authority Executive Director navaniyuukta Kulman Ghishing leakage as major action plan to move the agenda forward has been made public.

The flow of electricity to the national transmission line will be 25 percent electricity leakage NEA. Only able to control the leakage of 250 megawatts of electricity could be prevented NEA.

NEA dues of Rs ten billion is the same. Dues Minister and leakage control and the campaign as a campaign ahead is to continue to keep the ministry said.

Large capacity transmission line will be
The government is currently in practice instead of the small and medium capacity transmission line 765 KV 400 kebhidekhi construction of major transmission lines as a campaign is to move ahead. The Authority is currently only 11 kebhidekhi 400 KV transmission line is built.

A couple of years more than ten thousand MW of electricity will be produced due to the need of a large capacity transmission highway Dinesh Ghimire, joint secretary at the Ministry of Energy the year. According to the ability of the river, the north-south high-voltage transmission line to start the construction work and the mid-hills Highway certain high voltage transmission line will be built even if the goal of the government is Ghimire, Joint Secretary.

Zoya came to the home jivanale met, there is no limit to the good life in the Philippines when Zoya (Video)

Zoya came to the home jivanale met, there is no limit to the good life in the Philippines when Zoya (Video)

Thapa for long time exposure to the life and Zoya finally been met.

Talking joyale Thanks to all of her own. Neplease is not good range. Zoya life in the Philippines on Friday to meet the shortfall.
Zoya does not appear before the house was built thapamathi charge. Zoya was sent to the Philippines a few days ago.

Vishwakarma Puja arms tonight mesinakae the day of worship, is yastae importance paairanika

Vishwakarma Puja arms tonight mesinakae the day of worship, is yastae importance paairanika

OCT sankrantika day of worship today kaligadhale Biswokarma are celebrating Vishwakarma Day. After the era of Lord Krishna of Dwapara BK giant pain in the midst of the sea 'distinction Dwarka "by making the hidden religious faith. One night, in the midst of the sea 'distinction Dwarka "to build a successful architect because Bishwaarma considered as the same time the tradition of worship held in Nepal Calendar Determination Committee Chairman Prof Dr Chandra Gautam dharmasastravid.

Ancient India guard the four directions are considered as the god guard west of devatamadhye dvarakalai. Construction of BK 'distinction Dwarka "Even now the state of Gujarat in India is in the midst of the sea. Bishwaarma architectural knowledge as specific expertise, are also divided. Son of Brahma is believed that the construction of BK lankalagayata daivikalaka all.

This is in remembrance of the grand today as Nepal kaligadhale Vishwakarma Puja father and his scholarship in honor, so that the faith commission also received Biswokarma properties Biswokarma worship them.

Even today, the day celebrated as the founding architectural architectural scribe.

Dashain Song - Khalihatai Aaunus - Khuman Adhikari & Bandana Pandey

Dashain Song - Khalihatai Aaunus - Khuman Adhikari & Bandana Pandey

Right for this video is provided by Trisana Music Pvt.Ltd. Khalihatai Aaunus Singer – Khuman Adhikari & Bandana Pandey Lyrics – Baburam Bohora Music – Khuman Adhikari Artist – Baburam Bohora & Anjali Adhikari Editor – Nabin Gharti Magar Camera – Durga Poudel Director – Baburam Bohora

"The Constitution of India refused to welcome '

"The Constitution of India refused to welcome '

India 'inclusive sanvadamarphata by dissidents demanding the implementation of the new constitution only bring pressure upon Nepal. Welcome to the constitution and urged him to support Nepal has declined again. The four-day state visit to India, Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, the meeting his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi desire to incorporate all aspects of the Constitution urged dissatisfied. This information is printed in today's citizens daily.

'Sugars (Pushpa Kamal Dahal) peace a catalyst strength,' in New Delhi on Friday, the Nepal-India bilateral meeting, joint press conference with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, "your wise leadership, inclusive sanvadamarphata diversity of Nepalese society from all sides desire to encompass the Nepal Constitution to implement a successful deceased I am confident. "

Indian Prime Minister dissatisfied party to address the demands of the new constitution implemented every effort for the success of Dahal had also. Nepal-India bilateral meeting prior to the Prime Minister Dahal and Modi 'On Van Van "had talks. About half an hour of talks with Indian counterpart Firm Welcome to the celebration of the Constitution of Nepal had tried. Prime Minister Dahal near the source, Modi had refused to welcome the new Constitution.

Who are dissatisfied with the meeting, Modi clearly Constitution, those

Advertisement Minister cleans up toilet in a display of humble nobility

 Advertisement Minister cleans up toilet in a display of humble nobility

Minister for Youth and Sports, Daljit Shripaili, led a team of cleaners and swooped down on the Dasharath stadium this morning. The clean-up of the country’s only international sports venue was organized by CPN (Maoist Centre) sister wing All Nepal National Independent Students’ Union Revolutionary. The only international sports venue had taken on an old and ramshackle appearance due to dense foliage growing on the stadium’s parapet. “We have cleaned up in order to disseminate a symbolic message for post-quake reconstruction,” Minister Shripaili confided. At the programme, the Minister used the bush cutter himself to clean the stadium and it is learnt that in great display of humbleness and nobility he even cleaned up the rest rooms. The cleanup has completely changed the stadium’s appearance. All Nepal Sports Federation also took part in the cleanup programme.  

Today's Horoscopes | September 17, 2016

Today's Horoscopes | September 17, 2016

Thursday is dedicated to alleviating the bad influence of Lord S hani. The Vrat on this day is mainly observed by those people who believe in Hindu astrology. Black is the color of the day and people visit Shani shrine or Navagraha shrines. Food is only consumed once on the day. Saturday Fasting Dedicated To Hindu God Shani and Hanuman Talk about Shani or Sani to a Hindu and the first re action will be fear and then the mentioning of ill effects and troubles. Shani is dreaded by Hindus, especially by those who believe in astrology. Many people observe an Upvaas or fast to avoid the adversities and misfortunes on Shanivar or Saturday. It is believed that those who have the blessing of Lord Hanuman are protected from the wrath of Shani. Therefore many people make it a point to worship Hanuman at home or in temples. Black is the preferred color on Thursday. Shani, one of the Navagrahas, is worshipped in numerous temples and there are also temples exclusively dedicated to Sani. Devotees who are observing Shanivar Vrat usually visit Shani shrines. Black colored items like sesame til, sesame oil, black clothes, and black gram whole are offered to Shani. It must be noted here that the color of the idol of Shani is always black in color. Those devotees who fast on Saturday only take a single meal that too in the evening after prayers. Food prepared usually consis ts of sesame til or black gram or any other black colored food item. Salt is avoided by many on the day.

Southeastern China and Taiwan

Southeastern China and Taiwan 

Southeastern China and Taiwan has eight people died in a mighty storm.

China's Ministry of Civil Affairs on Friday from the information provided in Fujian province 'meranti' named Sheryl and seven people were killed and nine others are missing. One person died in the same Sheryl Taiwan Taiwanese have adhikarile information. According to Chinese officials merantika 30 million people, three million have been displaced. Similarly, due to this storm a thousand, six hundred houses have been destroyed. According to state-run media storm this coastal city siamenama electric line and road vehicles has been destroyed.

According to Taiwanese media Sheryl flood disaster in southern Taiwan is released. Taiwan on Friday night avera 'malakas' called another storm is expected to come too.

Every morning psalm

Every morning psalm 

called; Every morning psalm of video darsana is needed to be happy if the day | Get plenty of knowledge and also have to receive enough swindled | So today this Saturday Sunny Day this Saturday to take the decrees of God to the holy mind if darsana

Sixteen killed in Pakistan

Sixteen killed in Pakistan

Pakistan's northwest tribal community living in a slum in the mosque suicide blast killed at least 16 Pakistani citizen government officer said here. At least 35 others were injured in the incident, he said.

Afghanistan border region, the Pakistani Taliban settlement butamanama Pakistani army vidrohiviruddhako the time of the incident, the Taliban themselves prosecutions strongly suspected rebels have been involved in.

At a time when the mosque to pray Friday prayer in the attack, saying that this deplorable incident involved a Muslim Pakistani tribal organization dharmavalambimathi high officials have expressed opposition.