China Open is the apple of Jumla

China Open is the apple of Jumla

China exports about Jumla apples Cartons are wearing the tag. The box packaging is written in English China Apple. The packaging of organic apple market Jumla lost identity as a local farmer, says the best thing. China Organic apple Jumla wearing the tag Marketing fraud as apples, Chairman of China Federation of Commerce and Industry to stop the tag Degh Rawal said.

Government bodies and stakeholders to change it, he immediately became bataunuu. Byapariharule in various places, including the district urthucautara cainapetima doing syauharu packaging is found. It will not be good Jumla organic apple market, and the message has been heard to complain necessarily good. Secretary of Federation of Nepali Journalists Jumla surabahadura Singh and said the issue should be changed immediately.

District Agriculture Development Office, Acting Senior Agriculture Development Officer Bishnu Bahadur Mahat this year, 16 thousand petiharu own apple production due to the inconsistency of linking China claimed the box being used. He also said that the next year will not be so.