'haritalika Teej Festival 2073

haritalika Teej Festival 2073

Non-Resident Nepali Association, Israel (NRNA, Israel), the 'haritalika Teej Festival 2073 musical "The competition between the two programs is also held in a grand manner. Program telaabhivako telaabhiva near University Hall ekyuriemako glorious evening was the beginning of Sharp 8 pm. The first phase of the program, more than 800 are all Nepali brothers and sisters organizer and co-organizer of the organizations rate was feeding program. Rate feeding program be active as soon as the artists come from Nepal was the beginning of the program with music and entertainment. Muna Thapa Magar, where popular folk singer, renowned folk singer Amrit match, bharsataila old singer Prasai and popular Nepali television channel Kantipur Television Broadcast in progress each week and coming comedians satirical program based on current constitutional 'Heehehe phlapaka presenter and satire artist Sandip Chhetri entertaining presentation vejoda with all the local artists present their entertainment had laughed.

Organizer NRNA Chairman Dipak Oli enasisi ijarayalaka acting chairperson and Nepali Embassy His Excellency Ambassador ijarayalaka Rameshwar Poudel was the beginning of the program to the main atithyatama formally present .Representatives welcome Lai Vice President of NRN ijarayalaka Welcome huge passes would have had mantyabya | Artists from Nepal to present the audience with a multitude ullekhiya program seems to pass to the program organizer laitanepala GoalNepal.com that President Deepak Prasad Oli ijarayalaka N R N A magnificent and civilized as the completion of the program expressed happiness saying. "Israel Nepali dd-vahiniharule haritalika this year, more than a grand red-gone decades as special as the presence of famous artists to celebrate," said Oli.

The program of the National Coordination Council of Non-Resident Nepali Association (NRNA enasisi) Israel Project, and co-organized by various organizations in Israel had been. An RN program ijarayalaka Secretary tenjina Sherpa, Chitwan Society Secretary Nayan Sharma Sapkota and International Nepalese artist society ijarayalaka love this program as the Joint Operations. Most programs will be held in Israel in the second week of the month (after more than 10 dates) to be held despite the rise in this time before the Teej festival date was fixed for Friday, September 2 Tariq.

Employment program for organizers paradesieka Nepalese, a festival to celebrate the years to come the day, it is impossible to return to the country, for them to karmabhumimai his popular artists invited to celebrate with them as an opportunity to ramdai cadabamda said. "This program is the continuation of that same opportunity," said the organizers. Program Israeli manpower agency note-beyadako sponsorship was said in the program ijarayalaka various organizations or institutions in Nepal, but the union of Israel, Rupandehi Society Israel, international artist Forum Branch Israel, Hindu Jagran Nepal Campaign Israel, ultimately, Nepali literature Chapter Israel, Kirat Rai Yayokkha Nepal Israel, Woman for Woman Trust, Sri Sathya sai Central Israel, Jhapa society Israel, society of helping Hearts in Israel, Sri Krishna pranami non-Resident Nepali youth Council Israel, Chitwan society, Israeli and international Nepali artist society Israeli co-organizer as were.

Program employment or the various horrible diseases Israel Vann victims of ill-old Nepalese support has been organized for the organizer NRNA enasisi ijarayalaka Chairman Deepak Oli said. Chairman Oli Israel stressful work during the adhinkasa Nepalese different kinds of the disease is long well rojagaravihina state hospital and apartamentaharuma living due to economic crisis suffered elevate the NRN feel close to doing, and their treatment effortlessly bring NRNA Israel initiatives for the days ahead, Nepal is the kind of pain, shame, shine uddesyayale NRNA fund program has been organized for strengthening the earliest.

'Unity is strength' is also certified in this program later in Israel in the coming days all organizations through programs such as A to N R N enasisi Israel are always ready to be president Oli said. NRNA Israel Fund last March to rojagarikalagi organization in Israel, she is suffering from cancer diamond Tamang 500 shekels monthly occurrence coming available. The organizers of the program in the coming days it will give continuity bhandaim said. Nepal was light as a partner in the program, JULY media. Right from the start of the program until the end of the technical side was accompanied by Bipin Tamang and pranesa pakhrinale |