Karnali Zone Karnali Autonomous Region declared

Karnali Zone Karnali Autonomous Region declared

Karnali Rights Forum in Karnali Zone Karnali autonomous province declared before the acceptance is demanded.

President of the Forum Club Forum, a press conference on Tuesday, Reporters light Rokaya Kingdom tirade accusing the Karnali Zone treats has said, 'No. 6 again. Is the name of the province is being unfair to the Karnali Autonomous Region should be declared. "

He said before the "Karnali Karnali some brokers and simhadaravaraka brokers have seen a dream to be the owner if he is only an empty only imagine, if they do not declare their Karnali Autonomous Karnali Autonomous Region is one of the grave."

Another relevancy to the Election Commission, he Kalikot 5, 7 Jumla, Humla 5, Mugu and Dolpa 4 6 Number of information objected to the weakest chutyaekoma.

In this regard, he said that the constitution is not the book kuranajasto Kalikot 10, 10 in Jumla, Humla 10, Mugu is 10, and the score 9 claimed that their demand should be the number.

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