Prime Minister Prachanda easing

Prime Minister Prachanda easing

Prime Minister Prachanda easing his family has received illegal vihele legitimacy. Pracandaputra of light as the third wife is uplifting without Magar Baluwatar.

Without Baluwatar bhitrayaiesamgai M Center-law atanka son has started. Earlier, the light came with an apartment without sibhilahomako. Prime Minister Prachanda and Prime Minister Girija bhitraera easing Bibin are given legitimacy.

Binaviruddha second wife, divorce and polygamy case can run on actual light. But Nepal is a country where such a large, individuals do not think the law. The last time the country have begun to use more of whom pakasale. Prime Minister Prachanda after the Prime Minister's residence without gatividhivale light and are ashamed of the party netaharusameta.

Prachanda light as the personal secretary of the secretariat are working on. His actions have reached the mood for the prime minister to resign secretariat staff.

Prachanda and others have to be extremely difficult to meet the channel. Employees and transferred to the police, a special interest in light of the various thekkapattama is. Setting fully meet people in search of light and vinamarphata would have been easily bhetan Prachanda said the party leader Prachanda karyakatale not get to meet.

Other than Secretariat officials not to do so uniharulai rebukes the source says. Peanuts great deal to be the source of the light and tells vinamarphata

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