The Congress of the National Tourism

The Congress of the National Tourism

The Congress of the National Tourism Professional Association NEAT near Nepal and the Democratic Union of tourism professionals, journalists and widening integration has been completed with NEST. The integration of the cantoned Gokarna House meeting both sides receive the name of Nepal Tourism Professional Association (NIT) was called the Association announced.

A year ago, keeping nit do not differ from Nepal Ram Sharan Thapaliya Tourism Professional Association was established under the leadership of a democratic Nepal. Earlier, the two institutions democratic-minded tourist vyavasayiharule a constant pressure to move forward came giving. Integration of the two institutions after President Deepak Sharan Mahat Democratic leadership of the 21-member Union officials to stay useless Chairman and member of the 30-member Union, including the 51-member Central Council members have been announced.
Ghosanapascata stated by Chairman of the organization stronger and strengthen conceded the weakness of the past faults himself for making the go at all times would be working to. His feet and factional politics of parties to be united and to lend huge damage, said now. He now near the Congress organization for tourism professionals Nepal Tourism Association (nits) only due to all democratic-minded entrepreneurs He also urged the Union, joined.
Similarly, the Nepal Tourism Professional Association ekikaranapascata (nits) to the Chairman of the Association in the coming days Deepak Mahat powerful and effective to make the unity of the historic, saying that not waged, Zutt to divulge a message that the shutdown was successful .He said that in the coming days to protect the democratic-minded entrepreneurs in Nepal tourism professional Association (nits) to be successful in the future. Mahat is important for the unity of the party time to expand tourism entrepreneurs and start-wishers Thanks giving day, he added ajaika confiscate victory.

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