The right to citizenship clocked Jibon scribble Mina who gave kharel Lai? Immediately investigate him

The right to citizenship clocked Jibon scribble Mina who gave kharel Lai? Immediately investigate him

Prof. Samir Thapa Magar, from the trunk of various groups and Zoya came in Chitwan muchidai ideal home that operator susri kharel Mina Lai Jibon Thapa Magar who gave the right to citizenship to capture? Jibon the original citizenship due to scribble and do not find them to be made? Citizenship is important as sambedana and the full document can scribble right Lai district, the person who is not even the kharel Mina Lai who gave citizenship rights to scribble? The police administration is in your hand does not move Mina kharel to do whatever sickness does? ... Chitwan district administration to run Mina kharel that .. There is also CDO? The old saying that the elders did a whore in the state s also what makes? .... That is why there is not any law nor any respect to be respected i ... .. Mina kharel after the introduction of the real brahmin moment, she is giving. An ethnic Jibon Thapa Magar advantage of the opportunity to top the agenda of poverty came from Mina kharel citizenship until at least not by scribble on stage to make the meaning of this? Yesma no secret is hidden inside / All passport and citizenship in the trunk of Zoya jinaba Mina captured kharel due to the occupation? The Mina kharel the ideal home house immigration or district administration office?

If not, why not? Mina kharel havoc in the Chitwan macyauda audience, including police administration through the mouth is the reason for the meeting? The Brahmin caste in Nepal Lie action can not be guilty? Nepal's constitution to rule only for indigenous? ... The past 4 months from the various groups Voucher and passport ideal home in upon later own lie some aphtaro be held when the August 20, the district police submitted realize / continuous Jibon passport and citizenship related person to take the extra police Mina khareko order delaying the continental / But today strong words from the central level on September 25 were later struck the citizenship and passport had police scribble.

Think Yourself i Chitwan in the civil service and facility to simplify the paunui the state of the Totality? But he is innocent because Jibon Thapa hand to help him, but in Chitwan in Nepal is full of s increasingly bahunabadi single kingdom to leach from the legal treatment of various groups, such as thousands of others from various groups, including the depth of the doors s /

But the essence of a person to the full of various groups directly for the benefit of private interests, including proof of picking up kharel Mina came immediately following a case filed by s should karyanayamna looks /

(1) various groups in the trunk of Zoya by the entire legal process yoya Lie to Nepal I could but dream of seeing Mina kharel the green dollar sign on blank paper Zoya Lai Force is making his ordinance khoseki /

(2) Jibon Thapa Magar Lai wear and without offense till he beat kharel Lai Min-provoking terror of human and social peace macacyaune suraksya and sampardayika riot act of infidelity until she doors / Jibon Lai scandal. Making money by false news media chapaumna wore a ring /

(3) loss of value Jibon Thapa Magar Lai, Lai Zoya three months of mental torture and to keep our flesh and related dehya biksyta done when the performance area of ​​human smuggler Lai kharel Mina Real Estate related action should be

(4) when the various groups of citizenship to scribble her own lie under an action on behalf of Citizenship and submitted false details when the forgery case under the action must be .His eyes /

(5) The Constitution of 2073 when the Serbs who answered the hands of the law contrary to the dignity of life imprisonment must be drawn (6) Social institute acts of terror in the name of stigma Mina kharel legal process to reach out to increase its representation in custody /

(7) The ideal home ... blame it be immediately stopped. Mina Lai kharel s case the above actions must be above / or raise the voice of people who are forced to take action, including the public ones do not serve to advance, including information is a reminder bhanne