This poignant suicide Teaching Hospital, and found writing notu victory

This poignant suicide Teaching Hospital, and found writing notu victory

Tanka victory Teaching Hospital in kidneys were vigriepachi. He jumped through the window of his hospital injured died while undergoing treatment, the hospital said. Even the post-mortem of the deceased Lama was teaching hospital on Tuesday.
As he wrote before jumping through the window of the hospital khojatalasakai ususaida notu found. Suicide Lama himself had chosen the way of hope for the suicide note written marisakekale. This is being addressed by the poignant suicide notu mother.

Mom I'm sorry unmapped. I do not want to hurt you. So I'm the window Ham committed suicide. When I die, I would burn here. Grandfather and grandmother would take me to where his dad said .In the Home Staff, udyada Bheri much love. The next lifetime will be met with.

Poor families spend a lot of money for treatment of victory after his life seems to have been forced to choose the way suicide is becoming frustrated. Minister and the President to be able to have ample funds for the treatment of millions of young Similarly, the government is now killing vijayajasta. Perhaps the state can not even stand the injustice any perpetrators.
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