53 destitute children alone, "Ba .............. Bungmati Dayaram

53 destitute children alone, "Ba .............. Bungmati Dayaram

He always took care of the children are immersed. His diary of raising children and teaching. And, he was lonely children and 53 'Ba' are.
Lalitpur bunagamatika Dayaram mahajarna teacher occupation. 53 for the father's role in child are helpless. Though, he is the baby crossfire, but the father's role are doing.
Drstibihina, deaf, physically disabled, and raising 53 children in care have been Maharjan. Even as their single parent family are condemned, maharjan.
Disabled children's upbringing donor support allegations some of them do the same. Donor support to rice, food, children spend He also uses lattakapadakai by.
Ideal Soul BS 046 local school he also learned braille. Not for himself, to rule. He taught for visually impaired students to be enrolled in school who are learning Braille script. Perhaps, that the incident was due to his thinking focused on serving children.

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