After kerakhetibata good income

After kerakhetibata good income

After kerakhetibata good income fell Nawalparasi krrsakaharu bananas are lured to attract commercially.

 Sugarcane farmers in the capital, as familiar to kerakheti Nawalparai recent days is going to increase in per day. Recently there has been only kerakheti Nawalpur area district, including the southern nominate kerakheti has started as a professional.

 This time riders because kerakhetima some losses reached spoke Paklihawa (5 farmers Anwar Ansari. Ansari, 25 vigaha kerakheti it has. Nawalparasi irrigating feature not when the farmers more problems suffered is. Kerakhetima need fertilizer food, pesticide medicine, seeds, including from India make a Adding to the problem was becoming worse Ansari said, do not jump in drug production decreases during the seed stool seems to have.

 Nepal bananas were available regarding all the content at your fingertips for farmers to cultivate bananas would be. Nawalparasi sugarcane farmers left farming to be attracted to kerakheti. Sugarcane mills paid to farmers after the sugar cane cultivation time kerakheti had to leave cash sales of bananas, banana, saying he has a five vigaha endowments parasauni (5 home Ansari has said that the boyfriend.

Except for the Trust Territory districts Nawalpur parasauni, Paklihawa, Narsahi, kudiya tappur, rupavaliya, endowments, suryapura, Sanitation, price cuts, large kharetava, bhujahava village development committees, including more than five hundred vigaha kerakheti the District Agriculture Office, informed.ncome

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