DHADING of 10 Traders, by sticking to force through local

DHADING of 10 Traders, by sticking to force through local

Five years ago, the government announced its budget for the Trishuli river and the planned construction of a suspension bridge to replace the countrywide Traders has not yet been completed.

Almost five year period prescribed by the Government when the Dhading District Development Committee in the next five years to replace the Marsyangdi river that Traders place to build a suspension bridge has brought policy. Dhading District Development Committee also passed the 22 th District parisadavata policies and programs designed to pamcabarsa this proposal is likely to be before the government ghosanajastai.

Five years ago, Dhading, Gorkha cainaghatabata the Marsyangdi River in the ventilation caraundinajikai prthvirajamargatarpha Traders cudiepachi with vegetables torrents coming down the five Trishuli were missing. Traders above, even when the river is dilapidated and the delay in the repair and maintenance of opposition to the government, saying the government has started a countrywide Traders then removing the suspension bridge to be built in the place has not been in position to come into implementation.

Increasing use of the river for the connected rope accident, adventure tours and hindnabadhya, senior citizens, the sick, vulnerable and need to go to school children and vegetables daily exchanges with the marketing to go to the farmers forced to bear more of the doors.
Marsyangdi river of suspension meted out in many places, linking Gorkha, Chitwan and Dhading districts phislingavata 10 Traders also are used. -