Education occasion umbrella project for various program

 Education occasion umbrella project for various program

International Literacy Day and the occasion of National Education Day in Banke have been different programs. Education Day program organized on the occasion Bhim Bahadur Saud, Banke District Education Officer Class 9, 6 percent said that the admission rate. Secondary level, when 30 percent of the total enrollment limited, he said.

He also said the lack of educational manpower Banke. According to the Education Officer Saud 9 million 8 thousand 825 students to 1 teacher at the primary level will, he said, adding the state of student teaching is a teacher needs to make the 45 is the basic level is a teacher should teach 74 students. Similarly, secondary level 1 teacher teaching 46 students in Banke is requiring state. Banke District 261 community and institutional schools are 1 9 5. Madrasah, Gurukul and 126 religious in nature, including school districts are in operation. According to statistics by the district education community and institutional district 1 million 30 thousand more students are studying. Chief District Officer ravilala sect quality of education for all to move forward together, and he said. District Education Committee Chairman and Local Development Officer Jeevlal continuing in politics until the school can not be said that educational reform.

Nepal Federation of Teachers, vice ear Malla, Nepal National Teachers Union President ekadeva lax, Wali Rudra Nepal Teachers' Association, Dhambojhi Higher Secondary Principal Ray Acharya, president of PABSON Banke Rishikesh GC, GC-PABSAN Banke, senior vice president Krishna also spoke. Education Class 8 on the occasion to bring excellent results, including 4 students have been awarded. District Education Office Community School student toward enlightenment high school students toward staging Meghna Tiwari and jnanajyati High School Banke light Acharya is rewarded. High school student Tara Arti Jaiswal Bageshwari toward institutional and student toward my Gold Spurs medium schools are rewarded asvina Raval. 2072 National Education Day and International Literacy Day provided the occasion of Teachers awarded medals, certificates and citations, including the distribution has been. High school teacher Tara National awarded Enlightenment revised Poudel, bhanudaya Sitapur Primary Primary School teacher Dan GC and jnanadipa dallaipuraka Principal Prince visilai medal and certificate distribution has been.

National Education awarded toward the Everest School Institutional school principal Karkado Krishna GC, Management Committee Chairman of the School Management Committee Banke toward Krishna Secondary School Rajhena saved Prasad Subedi Khatri and Nepal National Primary sikhnapuraka Madhavi testimonial has been distributed. Chief District Officer Pantha them medals and certificates were distributed. The occasion, retired teachers are distributed certificate. Local Development Officer for continuing distribution of retired teachers had pamramana.

Education was also organized by the occasion in Nepalgunj in the morning again. On Wednesday morning, the District Education Office Birendra again went through the morning came to the conclusion that the school was Dhambojhi.

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