Itahari sunasarikae the Narasimha
Itahari sunasarikae the Narasimha
Itahari sunasarikae the Narasimha 3 Malim mansurikae petraela niskiekae field is paiekae rahekae unfounded rumors. Maevila and diesel pump while making mine bigriekae between paekhiera chariekae unfounded rumors rahekae paiekae the world has tested sae.
Including vice president of FNJ Sunsari bedaraja Poudel while some patrakaraharukae niriksanakae mine field between the bigriekae diesel pump and petraelale latapatiekae found parekae Textiles and textile rains saehi dhuliera vineyard phailiepachi petraelakae smell chargeback, along with some thaepa dekhiekae said Wednesday.
Photo - bedaraja paaidelakae Facebook
Petraela and diesel latapatiekae Textiles ground water after dhuliera charida wings petraelakae aaekae smell and unfounded rumors yasailari banaekae FNJ Sunsari locals argue vice paaidelakae. If the vineyard, why not actually patauda petraela hunthyae said water running out of the field ripaertinama patrakaraharukae is rahekae curiosity.
Give ripartinapachi patrakarakae field taelile make petraela niskiyae have caused confusion and expert baelaera sabailari aagraha test for clearing unnecessary state spending even suggested not to raise after the quake.