KP Sharma Oli should build a statue of George Washington

KP Sharma Oli should build a statue of George Washington

Former Prime Minister and CPN (UML) leader KP Sharma Oli has said that there should be a statue of George Washington on Mount candragiriko.

CPN (UML) Tourism Special Area Committee in Kathmandu organized by candragirima candragiri Hills tourism promotion program, because here he candragiri historical land of Prithvi Narayan Shah, who unified Nepal said it should build a statue.

Chairman Oli said, "candragiriko the spotlight of religious and historical importance of the area. Prithvi Narayan Shah, the same mountain, looking at the mustache musardaikathamadaum planning to attack had been a success. Therefore, it is appropriate here to build a statue."

Here religious and historical importance of infrastructure development, he urged the government to reflect, saying, "I urge the government to develop these religious and historical region want to. Without wait time, the government pursue its development bulletin board."

He candragiri Hills Pvt contribute to the development of tourism chief Chandra Dhakal was honored kadarasvarupa ¥ recalled. Private domestic and foreign tourists to attract major Dhakal candragirima cable bataunubhayoe conducted. Acts of terror organized by political parties and various agencies donations and threatened to stop that action was his emphasis.

UML Chairman Khanal, Oli wife Radhika Shakya, UML Chairperson and former Prime Minister Jhala Nath Khanal, Vice Chairman Bam Dev Gautam, Yuvraj Gyawali, Bhim Rawal, Asta Laxmi Shakya, Secretary Pradeep Gyawali, Disciplinary Commission Chairman Amrit Kumar Bohra, the audit commission chairman Pushpa Kandel, Advisory Committee Chairman Keshav Badal , standing Committee member Kiran Gurung, Mukunda Neupane, former Mahesh Basnet of UML standing Committee member, politburo member, Central Committee, state Committee in-charge, UML, tourism entrepreneurs and journalists had visited candragiriko.

Cable candragiri team reached the mountain built hilsale different structure as well as an overview of the temple was bhalesvara.

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