National industry trade organization

National industry trade organization 

Butwal Nepal national industry trade organization on November 3 to 14, tommorrow is the first festival mohotsava.

GC meeting of the organization 'National Industrial Exhibition, Agricultural, and the first festival that promotes tourism festival 2073 "decided to Butwal Mandap.

Jubilee festival for 1 hundred 51-member main organizing committee and 30-member Secretariat and the Organization Committee Chairman samitigathanagariekomulaayojaka Khem srisale said.

4 hundred stalls around the festival and participate in domestic and foreign srisale bataunabhuyo be made. Deepawali festival there will be men and women separately, wrestling competition, folk songs, dance and live DJ shows, including presentation.

 During the festival will be presented at national and local kalakaraharuddhara various entertaining programs. Upabhogyabastuko festival exhibition, trade and agriculture, and tourism will promote programs is mentioned.

Economy and trade diversification audhogikarana for independence and festivals play an important role in the national industry trade organization, the Union Vice President Manish Joshi of Nepal expressed his belief.

Central member of the festival khimanarayana Parajuli Bangladesh, Pakistan and India to participate in the business of information even gave stalasahita. Butwal Festival for the first time the festival will be as large as the welfare of the people will believe in engagement, including lossy Parajuli. He said, "For the first time in Butwal we're Festival festival, there is hope to get all sectors will help us.

Vice President Dick gavindaraja meeting of the Organization of Commerce, Sitaram rasaili Secretary, Treasurer Krishna Aryal, speaking at the press sallahakarabhuvanakarki among the various suggestions to make the festival a success was put. 

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