Road Expansion in Kathmandu

Road Expansion in Kathmandu

The important strategic road networks (SRN) in Kathmandu valley has been frequently suffering from traffic congesting problem. The rapidly growing traffic volume is ultimately beyond the capacity of the two lane roads in Kathmandu valley. Government of Nepal has been allotting a fund in budget head number 48-3/4-503 to widen such an important SRN from two lane to four or more lane in Kathmandu valley. The project "Kathmandu Valley Road Improvement Project (KVRIP)" has started in September 2007 to work extensively in these SRN. Soalteemod – Kalanki – Nagdhunga Section: Soalteemod – Kalanki – Nagdhunga Section is one of the important SRN among them in Kathmandu Valley. The project started with the handed over running contracts (Contract No. 93-063/64, 94-063/64, 95-063/64, 96-063/64) from Division Road Office, Kathmandu to widen Soalteemod – Kalanki Section and Kalanki Intersection. Soalteemod – Kalanki – Nagdhunga Section of Tibhuvan Rajpath is the main gateway to enter into the Kathmandu Valley. The traffic congestion problem has been frequently arose in this section because of the traffic volume in this section is greater than the capacity of the road section. The project is running with the objectives of widening of black top road from double lane to four lanes in Kalanki – Nagdhunga Section and three lanes to seven lanes in Ring Road Section.

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