Nepal Electricity Authority

Nepal Electricity Authority

Nepal Electricity Authority to pay the remaining dues of five thousand subscriber line 20 9 is cut.

According to Director of the Authority for distribution and customer service on August 3 since the beginning of the line to cut hefty dues have been merging campaign success.

Cut two thousand 674 customers connectivity and prescribed penalty if the tax would tirerai corners are re-line.

NEA nine million 85 million 78 thousand day 4 9 1 tariff is raised. About 24 million to 35 million lines were cut off from the rest of the tax is

NEA line cut power to prevent any customer who asked his neighbor's cows, said chief executive mukesaraja.

The line cut electricity customers will be given the legal action has warned Authority. Similarly, government agencies were also urged the Authority to pay their dues, and many others have only heard because their hearing has never been to cut the line, according to NEA. NEA dues is more than 10 billion.