Nepal signed by Nepali beat

Nepal signed by Nepali beat

Among Matihani 7 of Ganesh and Mahesh Mahato is serious Matihani their health is being treated.

Madhubani district of Bihar in India under the Indian workers Madhawapur cement market by smuggling activities in order to bring Mahottari Matihani was a clash between workers and esaesabivica.

The clash in Nepal by the Indian workers had fled the SSB beaten. 8-10 persons with arms Mahottari Matihani 2 Number customs jumped in and were beaten by Nepalese.

Esaesabiharule stick, beaten, thigh and other parts of the body injured, had beaten and Nepalese.

SSB Ja 4 Pa ​​and 2 Pa 8056 8618 motorcycle was damaged by vandalism. Armed police arrived at the security matihanibata biopi Matihani and police had entered the Indian esaesabiharu madhavapuratarpha India.

About half an hour Matihani Madhawapur the border was tense.

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