North Korea to the United Nations agree

North Korea to the United Nations agree

North Korea strikes srnkhalavaddharupama punaheka time to start a work in the United Nations Security Council has agreed.

North Korea last Friday, the fifth atomic bomb nindapachi check up by the international community reached a consensus Security Council sleep.

The United Nations Security Council discussed on Friday in the North Korea nuclear bomb test on Friday strongly condemned the word.

And the United Nations Charter Article 41 th antaragatarahera prepare a new proposal concerning the sample has been agreed.

South Korea, the United States, Japan, Russia, China, North Korea's powerful nuclear bomb test on Friday strongly condemned the word.

Laos official visit to South Korea President Park geyuna haile has strongly condemns this test.

East Asian Nations summit in Vientiane, the capital bhienatienama (ieesa) in order to take part in this year there Ranju Park This is the second time North Korea tested a nuclear bomb was said.

North Korea has repeatedly ignored UN Security Council resolutions and in violation of international fraternity giving a strong challenge to President Park is accused.

North Korea punagyeristhita his major test center on Friday morning after the nuclear test, the most powerful and 5.3 Richter scale earthquake was felt artificial.

North Korea earlier in 2006, 200 9, 2013 and January of this year, four powerful nuclear bomb testing has already.

North Korea on Monday that three out of his purvisamundrika beach byalistika missile test had been attacked.

North Korea hvanju countryside Japanese Sea (siapha Japan) in the three consecutive powerful missile strike in the South Korean Defense Ministry spokesman said the test was.

As of two weeks ago on August 24, the day the North Korean submarine attacked the ship struck the ability to be 500 kg m distance of the missile test was likewise.