Short-distance routes linking the Kathmandu

Short-distance routes linking the Kathmandu

A short distance routes linking the Kathmandu hetaumda optional expansion work has intensified again. 
Nakabandipachi become dull 9 0 km long road project kantilokapatha sadakacaumda to raise again given intensity. Major road project kesikaanusara lamp foot movement and extreme lack of fuel blockade, while some haptayata contractors intensified work virtually banaekama said.
The project road is wide caluu fiscal year and have done so in the coming fiscal year target of topping. The project contractor, to wide mid-January, when the road despite a lack of fuel can not be done in time for the deadline was seen in mid-July.
But fiscal caudagarne the afternoon work again extended the work plan has been forwarded to sakaune.

The work has been seen yet another year of road susceptible. Hetauda and Kathmandu small and large vehicles and hubs to easily reach the local explains the ways of support.

Hetauda buddhacokadekhi Lalitpur impounded and Chapagaun 9 0 km length of the road up to the crossroad for three to five meters in width, 8.30 m wide, said it is going to be key KC project.

For the breadth of the different sections of the road bridge is 7, 9 km kanteka Hetauda buddhacokadekhi Lalitpur IKHAPUKHU Limited, esasisi motidana JB, JB Lakshmi Singh and Bros., kancanajanga Golden Group and Hanuman Constructions has been contracted.
Hetauda buddhacokadekhi Lalitpur impounded campagaum dobatosamma 9 0 7 9 km road bridge is IKHAPUKHU kimimadhye hetaumdadekhi plan view and the rest have impounded IKHAPUKHU Bridge Road Division Office campagaum dobatosamma 11 km Lalitpur Chief KC View project.

Road Division Office, Hetauda buddhacokadekhi opened cones, cones kholadekhi Jeetpur and tikabhairavadekhi tinapanesammako road paved for upgrading earlier bid has already appealed.
And the majority of land acquisition by the road projects of houses and buildings ranked and encroached structure is removed from the challenge. Dakshinkali-Sisneri road this road, is seen as an alternative to the Tribhuvan Lokpath.

Last year, after the devastating earthquake, landslide blocks the path of another Highway as an alternate route to establish the increased interest in the state.
Each year, five million allocated Rs five ÷ caluu 3 9 million for the financial year has been allocated Rs. Earlier, the plan nearly 47 million has already been spent.

Vinsam .2013 after King Mahendra laying the 'highway' was started construction. As an alternative road plan hetaimda Kathmandu in 2065 BS The government then Kanti Highway 'highway' as a separate plan precede the name giving has increased.

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