Sipora guruna more salary Farthest Nepali heroine

Sipora guruna more salary Farthest Nepali heroine

Sipora Gurung was born as a youngest daughter to Mr. Moti lal Gurung and Mrs. Seti Ghising Gurung. She can also be called a little magician because at a tender age of 16, she has earned her name as a youngest best volleyball player of a Nepal.
Sipora Gurung on action during Rastrapati Cup on 400m, she secured the first place.
In 2063, when she was just 12 years of age, she became the youngest ever player at the 10th S.A.G held at Sri Lanka. Besides, Volleyball she also has keen interest in Athletics and she even has received a lot of medals in different programs. She is dedicated towards her game, country and wants to do something for her country. She feels proud to be a Nepalese citizen.

She feels lucky enough that at this tender age, she got a chance to visit various places and gain a lot of experience. She says that she is able to reach such height as her school family; teachers and her parents encouraged as well as trusted her.Sipora Gurung, Pokhara Sipora Gurung, Pokhara
Though she plays excellent in any position in volleyball court, she is basically a spiker. She is also a master piece in long jump and running. She stood first in long jump and 400 meters relay running in the regional selection tournament, but she could not take part in these events in the national games as she was selected for the volleyball team.

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