Sunsari main substance found in the paddy field of petroleum, gas flow the whole field
The land under paddy field rice field full.Sorry water out of the oil on the surface of a river called phytoplankton. HUPEC local sell rice paddy field cultivated by godane during the Mansuri motahira land under the oil out of the south side, about 200 meters of water in a paddy field by full.Sorry saw streams of oil suspected to have been due, the place is.
On Friday afternoon, the land under the water from the oil niskiera paddy field rice farming will be destroyed completely wreak state tairidai came out from behind the oil buried in holes in the soil and put motahira Mansuri said Wednesday.
The smell of rich oil fields mujivara Rahman chewed the whole farm and the smell of oil, diesel, kerosene, as described hips.
Now the place of Sunsari District Police Office led by Assistant Police Inspector Dilip Chaudhary security team has been deployed. Police Assistant Inspector Choudhary all around the farm on to the water, according to oil, the smell of oil and oil like substance floating swept the ground from under niskiraheko said.