The bus back to the first officer met 10 tola gold
The bus back to the first officer met 10 tola gold
Files sirsekota-9 saffron official bus left the bus driver 10 tola gold ornaments bag Chandra Chhetri have back.
This is on September 24 she was returning home from Friday Maiti Galyang Officer bag Galyang Earth Highway bus operated by the board bus 10 tola gold in Ga 1 Kha 3420 was missing. Dhwoju keen to return home when he heard that during the road is unsafe to wear a bag for protection bag rakhiekoma bus chodiepachi she and her family had been worried.
"I eat forced labor, never do not be dishonest ', while handing over the goods being emotional conductor Chhetri said," I am very happy to appreciate luggage was found.'
Officer's family felt it likely that gold. The bus driver Chandra Chhetri, just clean in order to catch the bag Office of the Prithvi Highway Bus board explained that he found the bag. The first contact with the family scene officer bag baruvalasamga was a bus driver thalabahadura. Committee to protect the officer's family complained that the Committee had already made news assistant Chhetri bag.
Committee staff officer informed the family is safe to take the bag from the officer to come to the house after the committee on Monday, 10 tola gold in a program handed over the bag.
The program was honored Judo assistant Chhetri. "I eat forced labor, never do not be dishonest ', while handing over the goods being emotional conductor Chhetri said," I am very happy to appreciate luggage was found.'
"The bus staff are honest evidence that Chandra has certified ', the earth highway just reiterated the board's office said the main spring," many lessons to learn from him. " I really enjoyed the lost property from being trafficked goods Kesri understand Posan Dayaram Parajuli said.
"We are happy, that he was not likely to find a bus lost luggage but found ', Parajuli said,' Chandra brother had a very honest staff."
Luggage five thousand rupees in cash and committees find Chhetri informed that contact in order to understand the three thousand rupees Judo goods were honored. Vasudev Poudel / RSS
Files sirsekota-9 saffron official bus left the bus driver 10 tola gold ornaments bag Chandra Chhetri have back.
This is on September 24 she was returning home from Friday Maiti Galyang Officer bag Galyang Earth Highway bus operated by the board bus 10 tola gold in Ga 1 Kha 3420 was missing. Dhwoju keen to return home when he heard that during the road is unsafe to wear a bag for protection bag rakhiekoma bus chodiepachi she and her family had been worried.
"I eat forced labor, never do not be dishonest ', while handing over the goods being emotional conductor Chhetri said," I am very happy to appreciate luggage was found.'
Officer's family felt it likely that gold. The bus driver Chandra Chhetri, just clean in order to catch the bag Office of the Prithvi Highway Bus board explained that he found the bag. The first contact with the family scene officer bag baruvalasamga was a bus driver thalabahadura. Committee to protect the officer's family complained that the Committee had already made news assistant Chhetri bag.
Committee staff officer informed the family is safe to take the bag from the officer to come to the house after the committee on Monday, 10 tola gold in a program handed over the bag.
The program was honored Judo assistant Chhetri. "I eat forced labor, never do not be dishonest ', while handing over the goods being emotional conductor Chhetri said," I am very happy to appreciate luggage was found.'
"The bus staff are honest evidence that Chandra has certified ', the earth highway just reiterated the board's office said the main spring," many lessons to learn from him. " I really enjoyed the lost property from being trafficked goods Kesri understand Posan Dayaram Parajuli said.
"We are happy, that he was not likely to find a bus lost luggage but found ', Parajuli said,' Chandra brother had a very honest staff."
Luggage five thousand rupees in cash and committees find Chhetri informed that contact in order to understand the three thousand rupees Judo goods were honored. Vasudev Poudel / RSS