The government encouraged the village a model village becoming a US citizen natasale reconstruction garidiepachi

The government encouraged the village a model village becoming a US citizen natasale reconstruction garidiepachi

Historical Minister and tourist village known as the Eastern risking raginasakotama locals now reconstruction and Home Stay is committed to operate.

The earthquake, nearly 16 months since their campaign to slow government reconstruction support banairahamda raginasakotaka local village parties are bringing in reconstruction. Under the leadership of the American Civil natasako village reconstruction has started. After the reconstruction of the earthquake destroyed their home have seen the local very happy. 65-year-old Vicki Gurung live in a concrete house, she has really enjoyed the experience. He says, "bhuimcalole home: Thanks yearned luck came from the United States and living in tripalamuni people came to me and my house, banaidiin chorijasti. Not only me, all the houses in the village, making six. Oh and make visible all the same home. Our mothers' group home, told her to make it, "she says Wiki.

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