Threats of abduction caught Gupta, former beggar fifty million

Threats of abduction caught Gupta, former beggar fifty million

Fifty million women entrepreneurs by the kidnapping of a threat to the charge of usury and former Shyam Sundar Gupta have been arrested again.
Police expressed in Lalitpur on Monday arrested him talchikhelabata threatening the 50 million donation homahila entrepreneurs complaints have been arrested during the former Gupta Lalitpur god DSP Karki said.

Gupta, himself a former professional women dhakyaumdai 50 million donation by phone, and were given to police, the preliminary investigation has been opened to the threat of kidnapping.
According to DSP Karki kidnapping and hostage taking industry Court extended by four days has kept Gupta hisaratama.
Gupta had charges of abducting professional wind in Shanghai last three years sitting in prison were released on August 2.
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