Zoya and the various groups

Zoya and the various groups 

Jibon India, Nepal Nepal pharkepachi but the union of the Central Committee are sitting shadow. Not only Jibon Full-seater love for his mother, but also now returned to Nepal, but the Art Association shade. For the first time the family was unfair and mediyale phailaieko Dudhkoshi mediyale Jibon misleading word of truth in the world, including the news sampresana the back of the Nepalese sympathy and support various groups and joyamathi positive is increasing. But still different midiyaharule misleading news is increasingly doing sampresana.

With this in mind, the Central Committee of the Nepal Magar Association President Nabin prevented the conservation of our art, but to say it is-now Jibon phailaieko misled to rely on our nigaranima art so midiyaharule Association of Nepal, but no official position until it has been requested and no spaces, not faith. In addition to the campaign to help reunite families Zoya Jibon also the world community has been requested. Similarly, the investigation committee of the Nepal Magar Association expires tomorrow be created when the coordinator of the Nepal Magar Association Central Committee Secretary ebama ebama Foreign Department chief defense advocate raikamagarale Central Committee investigation committee has requested to add a weeks time DK media have said.

Now Zoya and happiness, sadness and timely communication with various groups to fetch one another is busy. It has been proved that Zoya and various groups in the depiction of love is to love one another and windy. Zoya bisesata nearer than when various groups and the Philippines, the later a church wants to call philipinsa Zoya and various groups and provide vibaha vibaha his desire to return to Nepal after the family and the plan is to come nearer than fast and joyale are saying. The paper is also often mixed with various groups and could come as soon as the Philippines Joya samjhai are saying. But Nepal is being delayed due to technical problems, and a query.

Ideal Home organization captured the passport and citizenship only a day before the Police Office, Chitwan. The passport and citizenship of the district executive committee of the Nepal Magar Association president and secretary Thakur Singh Thapa Magar surabira niche but the past two days has been dhairahanu but various groups or various groups are back issues of the day, except his mother. A few days before the president Mina Kharel as getting phone calls sent any relative, the office has been found by the police to send ebbed. Chitwan District Police Office Women Cell (8550 9 04 9 9 0) on the call when asked by the passport section of the case and to take Jibon Thapa Magar or her mother were detained but only compatible Association officials said the day should come Upper High level order.

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