6 killed in landslide in India has confirmed the Nepali rolpali

6 killed in landslide in India has confirmed the Nepali rolpali

 Libanah the same family killed in a landslide in India's curves 6 bhavaeko Nepal Rolpa has been confirmed.
On the night of August 5 -year Pradesh heavy rains occurred landslide in the village of curves bandrali talabana -4 rijabanaka the 11 days has confirmed.
Phone Bir secrecy surrounding the information given by the landslide are the talabanaka. 'Housemaids whole village went to a relative's death Nepalgunj is Torn ", said Kumari.
The subsistence wage for a long time who lachirama Simla again, and his wife also died devakumarisahita four children. Killed in a landslide in lachiramaka sons and daughters, Anita and Sunita acting and Karan are again.
Apple had been living in a temporary shack in the garden they labored to. They also work landslide apple garden was destroyed halt. Brother of the deceased lachiramaka the same place as India, including all the deceased has been cremated away.