Chang Tham Maoists take national withChina thalyoh Cloud

Chang Tham Maoists take national withChina thalyoh Cloud

The CPN (Maoist Center) leader Ram Bahadur Thapa 'Badal' external intervention in the country is valueless, and the party of national agendas, said decisive point.
Directly without the foreigners themselves the country, 'broker' stand by developing countries, claiming that he did not abandon the light coming from it defeated party, said there was no alternative.

Nepal Army Central Committee on Monday purvajanamukti capital before converging dialogue organized by the People's Liberation Army and in our case discharged "Speaking at an interaction program on a cloud while also led the government to fight the Maoist kendrasamu that the surrender of nationality? He said the main challenge being the subject appeared.
M center of power under external power, the interests of the national withChina Tham Chang argued about, he said "It's all-nationalist, that can not be penetrated deadlock situation? Partisamu has been a great challenge. "

In another context, a cloud of Kathmandu-Terai Fast Track Leader, Upper Karnali and foreign interests of national security, said the proposals coming from. OZBILICI power center that the Maoist leader said the cloud is considered "our party's nationality, Rights and livelihood issues that troubled the occult and true. These are the people who are the enemy. This situation has led the government to end the party. No ladder halidiera not reached. "
The government-led center can change occasion there was no alternative leadership to the cloud as an opportunity to transform the protocol fails to country risk of instability.
He then Royal Army War challenged the monarchy succeeded in getting rid of many Liberation Army noun ineligible by the state crime by sending out adjustment.