local government election law needed

local government election law needed 

Legislature-Parliament, development committee for the local government election law needed to immediately submit the draft to parliament has directed the government.

Today's meeting of the election committee for the local government to make a law requiring the government, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet Office and the Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs of the Ministry of instructions.

Rabindra Adhikari, chairman of the meeting for the implementation of the Constitution required the local level on the basis of clear criteria quickly determine the structure, scientific and directed the Ministry to take and implement them.

So far, given the local development committee meeting with regard to the implementation of directives ÷ evaluation, the local government election and the election reference area was discussed paricalanalagayata Infrastructure Development Program.

Regarding the local development committee so far was satisfactory implementation of the instructions given to the more effective implementation of the IOC's direction to focus on the ÷ garaunetarpha is also directed.

Program of infrastructure development and constituency development programs were delayed calling of rules as soon as the Ministry has directed the committee to prepare rules.