RPP-Nepal chairman Kamal Thapa

RPP-Nepal chairman Kamal Thapa

RPP-Nepal chairman Kamal Thapa 2062/063 critical condition after carrying party ideas and principles are becoming finer, more relevant in the current situation to achieve this goal, said endured RPP Nepal. Dharan prakchyan
RPP culidai has some popularity though they tried to sow the illusion that the party agenda, leaving his claim had to fail.
RPP-Nepal Dharan Training Department organized 3-day residential training program Addressing the inauguration of President RPP Nepal government, the parliament, or the streets where their principles are fully committed to the clear.

RPP-Nepal believe in democracy, constitutional and democratic exercise of the party since the host-m not the agenda of the nation, President Thapa established.

The opening session of the training program and the former parliamentary deputy Kumar Subba, general secretary Dr. Dhavalasamsera Rana, head of the training department at the. Sunsari district president Sushil Shrestha said the program put love bhattarailagayatale speech Dharan Party City President Harikumar Shrestha was held presided.
The three-day training program conducted a number pradesastariya regarding the local elections will be made the leader of the party cadres training, according to the Department prasiksita.