Related overlaps with the bill passed

Related overlaps with the bill passed

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Krishna Bahadur Mahara has said that overlaps with related bill by passing ahead. The press conference held here today, Minister Mahara bill to raise the national debt and loans and bail bill passed by the said forward preparations

Due to the budget bill failed dependent on political unbelief He said, "due to mistrust of the bill has failed, not by mistake. Now rakhinna political bias. "

The main task of the government to implement the Constitution explicitly agreed by the Minister Mahara constitution ahead Max said. He assured the Aftermath ahead rapidly to wrap up.

Minister Mahara economic sector, all related laws and regulations to carry out the law said that he will take initiative Convention Act, banks and financial institutions to improve the information given by Act.

He was a minister, the young entrepreneur acts as a filter, the budget for the implementation of the said plan and decided revenue adhunikikaranasambandhi.

Minister Mahara local bodies, the province and the center only when the election implementation of the Constitution and the peace process as the end of the relative development, the government made it a priority given bicaravyakta. He said, "We are the final stage of the transition, some stability comes only when the three constituencies, this is the reality."