Japan gairakheladi hid

Japan gairakheladi hid

Cricket player moved to Japan as a friendly game play, according to cancel japanabatai gairakheladile return tickets Kathmandu has been found.
They moved to Japan 15 days bhisasahita Japan on Tuesday, 47 days passed on soft ground. Altogether, according to the Department of Immigration in Nepal and the last on July 15, had gone to Japan gairakheladi mangalabarasamma not returned home. The gairakheladile had already booked tickets to return to their respective travel agencies canceled the information is given.
The last to be held in Japan on July 15 to participate in Honda Cup cricket tournament was 18-member team left. And seven cricketers, two officials and nine were gairakheladi. The team includes seven cricketers and two officials have already returned to Nepal.

Senior national team, the former principle lohanisahita U 1 9 Prem Tamang, Saurabh Khanal, Fazlur Rahman, Ram Naresh Giri, Amit Shrestha and Sonu Tamang national player participating in the tournament are being returned to the country. Officials went with them, and Kiran Rana beautiful thapaksetri are returned to the home. Rana had gone with them are now in the United States.
Seven players and two officials of the contest has returned home five days later, the other nine were hidden away gairakheladi. Japan will be hidden gairakheladima ramasura old, Sanjeev old, Roman sarankoti Rana, Sun Dhakal, Narendra old, Sundar Oli, Shyam Re, dendi Sherpa and Laxman are Chhantyal. Narita International Airport in Tokyo, Japan, Hong Kong transit through the Tribhuvan International Airport reached there, these gairakheladimadhye seven were missing.
Once the players had gone missing in Japan utrinebittikai competition is incomplete team was made. Prince of Japan national team purvakheladi government officials have gone as high and his sathisahita Kiran Rana, was to play for even the competition. Narita International Airport, they had fixed the hotelasamma when only two of the nine teams were gairakheladimadhye. The two players after the game ends of Honda kapaantargata Nepal were missing.
Dragon eyaralainsakai Cathay another institution pyasiphikamarphata Japan reached nine other players at gairakheladile Nepali team had booked return tickets for the 20 July. The rest of the players and officials of Nepal Nepal returned to the default time gairakheladile 1 on July 9 in the evening had already booked their tickets were to cancel.
Tickets have been booked already canceled the event and the purpose of hiding away gairakheladi already been confirmed in Japan, says an official immigration. 'Japan only for the one-way fare is over Rs 55 thousand. It has already booked a ticket is canceled at least 40 thousand haraharima loss of money ', the officer says, "Ticket to cancel so many willing to lose money proves they have already been confirmed in Japan with mental hiding away."
Honda Cup for the first 1 to 9 were prepared to a relatively small group in Japan had reached 18. Japan had already booked tickets for the visa silent light Dhakal said Japan does not appear to have been. Returned seven players and two padadhikaribaheka Japan, the Department of Immigration departure and nine others gairakheladiko record only, not returned to record.
Age group and senior national team players, including Japan, to bring khelisakeka Cricket Association of Nepal (CAN) to the elected secretary of the committee, according to Kiran Rana, coordinated the delights hidden gairakheladilai to bring about coordinated by WHO is not quite clear about. Honda Cup, the players West Kathmandu FC (Football cricket) had participated in the club.
But came to Japan for the tournament and the players returned to club president beautiful thapaksetri to take Japan to coordinate both the beam Rana has said they have no information, according to gairakheladibare.
Meanwhile, the National Sports Council (NSC) in Japan on Tuesday to probe the hidden gairakheladi committee has been formed. Board member Leo Karmacharya on Monday led a three-member probe committee has been formed.
Rakhepaantargatako Committee Coordination Branch Chief demabahadura Basnet organizations and law are members of Branch Chief Narayan Aryal. Committee friendly match against Japan in the name of those who are involved in gairakheladi cast took the information about the detailed investigation directed to the NSC's press advisor, Rohit Dahal.

These are hidden from Japan gairakheladi

ramasura old
Sanjeev old
Romans sarankoti Rana
sun Dhakal
Narendra old
Sundar Oli
Shyam re
dendi Sherpa
Laxman Chhantyal