Don mananemathi filed kidnapping industry

 Don mananemathi filed kidnapping industry

Gundanaike lamp mananelai organized crime prosecutions has rejected the government district attorney office. Police say two months of research, industry and organized crime mananeviruddha kidnapping and hostage taking action against the recommendation of the district attorney's office, Kathmandu on Monday filed a kidnapping industry is the only issue.
Police attorney's office's decision, according to the complaint. Hanky-based public prosecutor is accused of such a decision by the police.
Thein terrorizing the locals begging for money, Kathmandu Metropolitan Police Range has arrested two months ago he was arrested reconsider. Even his friend Kumar Singh was arrested by police.
Even some defendants who escaped kidnapping and organized crime prosecutions and body industry research report was sent to the District attorney's office. However, the public prosecutor office has used kidnapping industry only issue. Who is gundanaike mananelai relief.
In both cases the issue of mananelai could be sentenced to 15 years in prison. The issue is now on him to prove in court were only seven and a half years in prison is. Mananeviruddha special court of money laundering issue is under consideration. Thamel, assuming the base area from gangs mananele this classic Police officers earned billions.