MPs from the ruling parties have criticized the government

MPs from the ruling parties have criticized the government

Dearness and corruption control measures probably effective for the government, saying the ruling party MPs have criticized.

A meeting of the parliament on Tuesday SANSAD BUILDING Bahadur Khadka of Nepali Congress sansd dearness and corruption, the government has control of the accused neutral. While toying with the health of consumers and traders to sell inedible object and random price cheap propaganda enjoying a cup of Government said. He daily monitoring of the market and found the businessman explained without action to end the government's attention to the tendency to leave.

The main opposition committe meeting of the CPN-UML sansad said the government was limited to only the most work. He Kathmandu damaged roads in the country, saying the government would be embarrassed to say that due to road construction commission authority to express the extreme negligence of the said action, not alarming. He maintenance and repair of roads in mid-July came within a month of rent-topped Physical Infrastructure and Transport Ministry demanded answers.

MJF meeting sansad Yogendra Chaudhary proportional and inclusive representation of the country, following the principle that the implementation of the principle of exclusion, saying the cabinet of ministers to make the ruling parties to bring inclusive.

Haribol Gajurel meeting, Yagya Sunuwar, Chandra Bhandari, Aaindrasundar admit, including the restructuring of the local government sansadharule more than the number of local-level basis for the Commission proposal, saying its emphasis on the need for agreement between the parties was given.