The original gate is off the power

The original gate is off the power

The original gate is off the power at Anamnagar theater. Not enter into any parking problems directly, the way of the passers 'Van' is kept. Bhyanapachadi crowd of people is increasing.
With the deadline for the scorching heat mandalaki artist's friend Nisha Karki trakapachadi bench sitting under umbrellas her name to register in person and present sujhaumdai 'bhyanabhitra urged to enter with her.
Van opened the back, but the black curtain hung. In whole darkness. Alamalinchan where people entered, scared, afraid, and they are terrified. After some time, the light of the small light appears agadipati. People are there, and the power at the premises of daudinchan resignation.
Mandla complex is specialized. Parking space in the tent was crucified, are placed on the ground kursiharu. Patavihina is a stopover between poplar botasahitako. Leaf-shaped stack of paper is placed in dhagosahita cautaroko meeting. Are buried in a pile of sand bayampati plekardaharu. Writings which disappeared lost our demonstration?
Shortly before its walls embrace the calendar for many years waiting for a child sitting in the currency and is written together, 'still waiting long?'
bepatta (3) is inscribed with the names of various individuals dayampati cloth. Missing and their families are impaled images side-by-side. Booths with documentary showing the inside. By Forum, the Forum background image is a child hydrous eyes. Whose saree light a lamp and a few people trying to walk in the shadow salbalairaheko. If you are on the stage sarangivadaharu salbalairaheka. Down 'graundama poet, author, political activists and families have disappeared. Most of 'shirt' have, which is written, '' disappeared, lost? '
This view of the power at the theater half an hour of Tuesday afternoon. 30 August that the International Day of disappeared persons regarding the missing family in collaboration with the national network was organized by the power at thietarale special program.
During the Maoist People's War on behalf of the state and non-artistic mahaulamarphata families of the disappeared and the motivation to arouse hope since last Aug. 30 in mandalale with the objectives of the program began to Rajan, told the director.