46 years later steal 23 million 3 9 thousand vehicles,

46 years later steal 23 million 3 9 thousand vehicles,

The road infrastructure and the development of the purchasing power in the last decades it has become significant increases in imports of vehicles in Nepal. Though heavy customs duty on import of vehicles the government has implemented in recent years has seen increase in imports.
Sands expensive and imports brddhikai ride due to the trade deficit is also growing. According to the political change in 2046 to ply transport vehicles has been increasing each year to import. The easing of democracy in the country after the open economy, the law applies to people as imported vehicles has risen. Rajamaharaja Earlier, government, higher employee, big business and the purchase of high-Borg had only smooth ride. However, many areas of the country road development and expansion of democracy praptisamgai to be, to grow the income and the development of an open economy and luxury items to purchase expensive access the expansion to proceed with all the BS 046 imported vehicles is increasing.
According to statistics, in the past 27 barsayata bibhagakai Nepal only 23 million have entered 3 9 thousand bhandavadhi Savri. Of these, only two prangre 18 million vehicles are 28 to 35 thousand. Only in the last fiscal year 3 million 43 thousand 7 hundred and 65 vehicles have been registered in Department. Including 2 million 67 thousand 4 hundred motorcycles have 3 9.
Nepal in fiscal year 2046/047 67 thousand 3 hundred and 78 vehicles were registered. But this number 23 million by fiscal year 072/073 in mid-July 3 6 9 9 thousand 1 hundred is reached. According to TIA leaders in small savaripratinai the attraction grows. In fact, imports of private vehicles has affected the import growth rate overall ride.
Motarasaikalapachi small car, jeep and a van is more than import. By mid July 2046, these vehicles are registered in Department 9 2 thousand 28 has reached a million. Similarly, during this period in a tractor, power quik number one lakh 13 thousand 4 hundred and 81 is reached. Also, during this period crane, dozer 65 thousand 5 hundred 45, great just 41 thousand 4, minibus 21 thousand 6 hundred and 14, pikaapha 34 thousand 9 hundred 56, the micro 4 thousand 8 hundred and 83, Tempo 11 thousand 6 hundred and 61, iriksa 11 thousand 8 hundred cases have been registered in 9 4. The dissemination of vehicles registered in Bagmati according to the Department. Even the country's capital due to vehicle registration bagamatimai even more views of bounds. Most vehicles have been registered at least in Karnali Zone.

Ab 046/047 to 072/073 vehicle registration until
Two prangre -1835028
Car, jeep -1 9, 2028
Tractor, power loader -113481
Crane, Dozer -65545
Big Bus -41004
Pikaapha -34 9 56
-21614 minibus
Iriksa 118 9 4
tempo -11661
micro -4883