nightmare omabahadura Thapa

 nightmare omabahadura Thapa 

In Nepal, some nightmare omabahadura Thapa went to Korea Korea returned, tired from work vacancies Sujita his age was only 2 9 years. Regrettably, a lot of money and a good family pet aspirations of the house, carrying a Korea-old Om Bahadur inward journey home again to go abroad and earn money Desire was dead.

North Palpa capapani VDC Ward No. 4 lidhinadada gauka Om Bahadur Saru have now enjoyed abroad, the dream tear his profession. Gaumai Kaski started aiming at Om Bahadur now have become a successful entrepreneur.

It is also good their income and social status has also increased. He said that so far only successful, but he was more than a dozen individuals, such as returning a learning skills to maintain a successful entrepreneur.
Om bahadurakoma are now 17 different pigs. He feeding pigs have 3 ropanies commercial grass. Follow the profession 7 million pigs, more than money invested so far Om Bahadur 9 of pigs are garisakisakeka palakaharulai training and support.

They also have enterprising caused. He found none 27 bangurapalaka training farmers are already operating. Similarly, 30 pigs and spinach farmers cage construction and management training are also given.

8 persons, including Mrs. children follow his family now byavasayamai pigs is busy. Om Bahadur is said now I need to go abroad, gaumai running a family aim to live by.
Om Bahadur MAHOTARI now even pigs have used paico program. Gauka entrepreneurs Om bahadurakobata pork child, pet and the child took paicoma unisaga taken the day when the product baccapharkaidinchan pork.

Because of the neighbors are very happy bahadurasita Om. Om Bahadur young people from abroad come back toward the apostle making enterprise, some sitting on the fence to support the youth and encouraging farmers pigs, pigs raised by 1,2 increase the number of entrepreneurs, more pigs to wear, I caught up 4,5 pigs raised by entrepreneurs who are seeking inspired form to register .

Other farms than some cheap raises pigs and sheep, lamb, provide, other enterprises have an enterprise such as chickens, goats and sat entrepreneurs, further increasing the number and form to register Acts cause, community udyamasila for the development of one of the development and happens all to present it to the his plan is to give knowledge.

According to his byavasayako Suggestions for promoting saintistako pregnant mother pigs and make plans to keep the cage is made. Pokhara and bring advanced race male pigs purchased, pork, rice chaff was the only pesticide.

Now from eating pork, grain grated, Maui increase the number of pigs, pork, cage room to improve, some cheaper than in other farm raises pigs and provide the child, and encourage other friends to feel like his next plan is to become udyami.

Liability and support the operations of a new home and inobhesana Action Palpa inobhesana Challenge 2014 after he was awarded the second best said he was more enthusiastic. He puraskarabapata 2 million dollars have been received. Om Bahadur country and abroad has been the promotion of enterprises. Only recently Tribhuvan ASU students studying entrepreneurship unikaha 21 days to sit back.

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