Scrub is taiphasavata people have been killed

Scrub is taiphasavata people have been killed

Scrub is taiphasavata people have been killed. So far died last May. The period of 32 districts out of 222 'scrub typhus views Epidemiology and Disease Control Division said.

According to the Division, the most sick of this disease are seen in Chitwan. Because of this disease, died two Sankhuwasabha and Bhojpur, Mate, GULMI and Chitwan are one-one. The transition to the disease last year there were 101 patients, eight people were killed.

Mite-infested living ears (a kind of micro-kit) to move to the grass and weeds will move through the man. Maitamarphata 'orensiya susugamosi' bacteria that enters the body of someone infected with the rogavata Disaster Management Branch, Division Chief, Dr. Nidhi Sharma said.

Dr sarmala testimony, "Strong said scrub typhus fever has come even can be, therefore, be made immediately for treatment, said Health Organization. This treatment will cure the disease, even if the patient's life-threatening delays in treatment can, "he said.

To minimize the risk of this disease, treatment has details of all health medicine Division.

Division Director Dr. Bhim Acharya saiklina Duxiana, azithromycin, klarama phanikala, sipropholaksiasinamadhye a drug used five Kukurghat sick would be healed completely.

According to some doctors from the disease after infection the body may also be visible in the red pustule seems to farmlands. According to Dr Sharma, scrub typhus bacterium enters the body through the 5 to 20 days, the symptom begins to appear.

Person strong fever, body ache, red pustule appears, symptoms appear swollen glands. Do not seek treatment, the liver, kidneys, lungs, organs of infected mutulagayata phailii patient death.

Agricultural work in high risk who doctors said the disease. House and surroundings clean, bushes, wear clothes to cover the body as, wear long boots, hand gloves to wear, and if there basnupa-it should live only a few bichaera.

About this disease 9 0 per cent on the basis of the identity of laksanakai out as being bad publicity director of promotion not seem to kitabina treatment, said Acharya.

"Scrub typhus, or not only to discover that they need to pest" mahasakhaka director Dr Acharya said, "This is the symptom of the disease to be identified 9 0 percent of matches as drug use, due to the treatment rokidaina kitakai."

In Nepal, for the first time on August 13 last year was seen in the scrub typhus. This disease is said that people may lessen physician.

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