Oli severe government budget the government to add a trillion

Oli severe government budget the government to add a trillion

Minister Krishna Bahadur Mahara current fiscal year's budget is about Rs one trillion supplementary budget to bring more and have been preparing. National Planning Commission Minister Mahara told the source that could earn supplementary budget to bring allegations of homework. The new magazine is published by Marca newspaper. 6 9 billion last fiscal year's budget, the government has more money to the government account as the primary source of operating a therapist is going to supplement the budget. "The government fiscal year 072 and 73 of the budget estimates of expected additional 6 9 billion Treasury has been added, the main source," the National Planning Commission, high source said, "In addition, revenue will also rise for the possibility, or so using the supplementary budget can be brought." Last year's budget 41 9 billion in the current fiscal year 5 million cash balance will be added to the government earlier had forecast. But, in the last fiscal year due to lack of budget spending a trillion 28 billion has been added to the official account, according to the Ministry of Finance. 'The budget estimates are far more money than their snouts, use it to supplement the budget that has, "said the source," the source absence had something else that would, in the use of resources for the other way. "The government last year to four billion 75 billion Revenue the collection was estimated. However, the five-month-long sanctions, despite four trillion 82 billion revenue was collected. Expires 45 days from the current fiscal year is 65 billion budget for this year, five billion in revenue by charging the target is. The amount collected last year rajasvabhanda 17 percent more than that. Revenue due to the size of the current year, in normal condition, the Ministry of Finance is expected to grow by 25 percent. "25 percent of the revenue increase was pissed relief to be said," means a sahasacivale said. On Thursday, the Ministry of Finance transferred through old secretary. Shanta Raj Subedi had relief to Monday. Secretary Subedi says that the increased revenue volume of the current fiscal year is 6 trillion billion revenue collection. According to sources, more than expected this end, based on official sources added 37 billion to launch the Planning Commission and the Finance Ministry. 37 billion additional revenue collection and 6 9 billion cash reserve ratio on the basis of a billion supplementary budget the government has started preparing the claims. Revenue collection is estimated that if the cash reserve ratio and revenue forecasts by many a trillion 6 billion account will be credited. According to sources, the Planning Commission for the supplementary budget by Finance Minister and the Prime Minister will be required to accumulate information has been on. What is the constitutional law? Article 121 of the Constitution the law is a supplementary estimate. Clause 1 of this Article is given in the supplementary estimate to bring the two base.