"Safe Motherhood Program"

"Safe Motherhood Program"

Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority, acting medical superintendent Dr Bheri Zonal Hospital in Nepalgunj. Subedi alleging the Special Court have been filed, including the four.

Mother safety program and various other programs, including social service unit of abuse by the budget commission of corruption stand to frame Dr. Bheri Sunday. Executive officer (Storekeeper) Madhav Prasad Gyawali, accountant and auditor authorized Maniram Burma Padam Bahadur GC is filed against the Special Court in Kathmandu issue.

They have 070 ÷ 71 fiscal year budget in viniyojita abuse, according to the Commission. Acting Medical Superintendent dapitamvara Subedi irregular way medicine, surgical equipment, miscellaneous, machinery and tools purchased by the Hospital Development Committee of misappropriating public hospitals and government doctors run private hospital a short time the Complaint was parepachi Commission uniharulamathi research.

CIB has his office when his position kartabyapalana badniyata government property by embezzlement and corruption by the program, the Commission concludes that cardamom. They were the Prevention of Corruption Act, pursuant to Section 17 205 9 to be sentenced to fines and imprisonment by the Commission is magadavi.

According to the Commission, Dr. Suvedisamga 42 million ninety thousand, Maniram Verma 42 million three thousand, 87 thousand and Madhav Prasad Gyawali jisi with 21 million two thousand fixing the perpetrator demand has been claimed.

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