The fifth national dance competition lakhe preparations

The fifth national dance competition lakhe preparations

Folk culture protection and establishment of national lakhenaca be held in Chitwan National lakhe Dance Competition 2073 will be held Thursday. This nephew, 30 and 31 to be held in Chitwan on preparations for the final phase is described.

Including the intangible heritage as a cultural heritage of dance lakhe cadaparvaharulai lakhe to the rhythm of life has been held on Thursday. Dharmartha 2064 to organize the competition every two years, has been started. This time, more than 40 groups participating in tournament organizer janaumne faith. So far, 30 groups registered to participate in the original competition, coordinator of the allegations bataumnubhayo nirjanalala Shrestha. Newar communities in various districts scattered original identity will integrate work carried lakhe dance competitions, Shrestha said.

Lakhe dance competitions coming to Nepal for internal and external tourism to contribute folk culture protection and establishment of national lakhenaca bataumnubhayo Chairman Rajendra Piya. The protection of the human race to protect Lakhe majipata faith worship Newar community has to say that the piano. Lakhe especially the full moon dance sixteen days start ceremony will be shown the same time, because the competition has been organized in view bataumnubhayo Piya. Bite 2 Rajendra Pia

15 lakh 34 thousand for the contest organizer is estimated to cost Rs. The tournament will be the first group of 75 thousand rupees, the second over 50 thousand rupees, 25 thousand rupees, and comfort came third prize of 10 thousand rupees have been given the information at a press conference on Sunday.

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