50 MW Upper Marsyangdi-echo almost completed construction work

50 MW Upper Marsyangdi-echo almost completed construction work

Lamjung bhulabhulema 50 MW Upper Marsyangdi-alley construction project construction work has been almost completed. Marsyangdi river confluence dam construction Ngadi shut the water is sent directly to the dam area.

Lamjung production capacity of 50 MW Upper Marsyangdi Hydroelectric Project dam-A field test has started. When nearing the project promoter company Hydro Dam area is tested. The project area is a program organized by Ngadi Hydro Dam Marsyangdi river water toward sending test has become locked. 43 months, the project is drafting a constant promoter of the company Hydro Chinese high officials, Power Chinamen high officials, local administration, lawmakers and local political dalaharumajha dam water in the area has begun sending test. Dam construction project in the area Gate 2 dams, built in the Marsyangdi river water, having received 3 were the main gate, and other important places disendara started testing the complaint said Sino Everest assistant director Chang F. According to him, a few days Advanced Test dam area will continue. Upcoming August 30 with the aim to start production in the electrical project has intensified. Other countries have built hydropower projects far more than the speed of construction of this project has been badly affected blockade, the official said that the project liaison officer ear. The project goal was to start earlier in the electricity production. But the May 12 earthquake and the Indian blockade provokes after the project was 6 months. Chinese multinational company Hydro electric project on track to start production in the next 30 months in August with the objective of the tunnel, power house, dam area and the transmission line work has increased rapidly as before. Hydro dam until the promoter company has already completed work sibhilatarphako. The same tunnel, including electrical home construction has also completed.